No raffle. No payment requirement. Just repost our giveaway and be quick to fill out the form when its available.
Just fill out the form on the website when it opens up jan 29th 12:01 am, 2022. (Pacific standard time/cali time)
We are limiting it to 500 packs. First come, first serve.
You will get a pack of 5 Blueberry Abuse seeds.
Blueberry abuse is Blueberry cookies x Fruit Abuse.
Lmao I never use Instagram, but this had me willing. I got to log into Insta and can’t remember my password so I give my email and it says I don’t have an account. So I go to make an account and it says there is one already connected to my email.
If youve entered, you made the cut, we still havent reached capacity.
Just waiting on supplies to come in the mail and ill start sending them out
Theres about 200 spots left
I got my seeds this week. I didn’t think I completed the requirements but either way I’m happy to have got them. Can’t wait to move into my next spot and start my personal garden again - blueberry and abuse are my favorite flavors.
I just received mine as well. It was a pleasant surprise because I had completely forgot about them. Thanks again! I’ll try to get them in the next round.