Fraction Finder Reviews

You say it by leading with your example. You say it by launching a competitive product with realistic claims. You say it by being so outrageously successful at selling the Wook Werks Pigment Tracker that the rest is history.

I am for you, Alex. 100% for you. You are an incredibly smart and innovative guy and I have all the confidence in the world in you and the products you make. This isn’t about me defending Arometix. This is about me calling you to a higher place in terms of your marketing strategy as you enter the market. I am reflecting my own journey as a marketer and my own missteps. You have something here. Don’t lose sight of the goodness of your product by focusing on the badness of someone else’s.

I do my best and still miss the mark.

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What an amazing opportunity to present the Pigment Tracker to them!



Actually that would be off topic. This is about Fraction Finder reviews, and that’s what everyone is doing… reviewing the Fraction Finder. These are important things to post. Also posting clear trials against controls is the essence of science. I would say it was probably the most insightful post anyone posted…


We’ve worked well before in the past Alex. You’ve shown us some neat things, and new approaches to using the fraction finder that we hadn’t thought of around Hydrocarbon. I am not sure where your venom is coming from. We do listen to customers, and we listened to you. And we disagree with you. It is OK to disagree. The inventors reviewed your hypothesis and rejected it. It did cause us to get additional standards and re-verify that we see fluorescence, so that is a good thing. After a bunch more scientific inquiry it could reveal you are right, we are both right, or we are both wrong. That is the beauty of the scientific process. In fact when we first started we only marketed cannabinoid indication. It wasn’t until much later (way after you got your unit) that we found that cannabinoids themselves fluoresce. And one thing I can promise you is that we never knowingly falsely marketed anything. In fact, just the opposite, we’ve been very conservative with our claims. If it doesn’t work for you, perhaps you should use something you feel would work better, and I wish you the best in that pursuit.


We wouldn’t call anybody out that made a mistake. It’s not useful to the conversation. Just that mistakes happen. And if something doesn’t work because it got damaged, that isn’t really proof that it doesn’t work, just that it might be broken… that is all we are saying.

That would be me. After discussion with Tim at Arometrix, I sent my EF back as an RMA. I have been told that there was a mechanical issue (a seal slipped in front of the detector?) causing the non-readings.

Possibly due to vibration. As such, I have invested in a few bits and bobs that should damp the vast majority of the vibrations seen by the device.

I have been advised that imy EF has been shipped back to me. Once I receive it, I will re-test and if I get a positive result contradicting my previous negative results, I will report as such.

Based on the previous information collected in pursuit of seeing where cannabinoids are, I am not convinced that I will see a markedly different result.

Your own experiment being a good example:

However, if it turns out that this does start seeing cannabinoids for me, I’ll definitely update here and everywhere else and buy a whole bunch of these.

As I’ve said before, I don’t have a horse in this race, and I want nothing more than for this thing to do what it says on the tin.

But to my mind, if the system can’t see isolate, it doesn’t actually see cannabinoids. And if whatever it sees is not a 100% 1:1 proxy for cannabinoids, it’s of limited utility which precludes it from me investing in picking up more of them.


Just asking in case it was on the list of fraction finders I’ve used.

You said it was broken. Which is different from say they (or I) don’t know how to use it.

And to be clear, the Fraction Finder and Extraction finder could be easier to use as well. It’s something that we are trying to get better at for sure.

$9K is a lot. However it seems that the customers that are using them in their process every day are getting a lot of value from them… being able to see if the filter works, and seeing how the relative concentration changes over time.

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@Shillco_Cat aka arometrix shill

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There is no venom. I’ve shared my honest review and asked some questions. I’d love to see some data that proves me wrong.

Analytical standards are usually around $30 and have 1mg/1mL potency suspended in methanol. Does that mean you validated the fraction finder down to that level of sensitivity? I’m confused how you’d even get 1mL of solution into the fraction finder. How do I do that so that I can repeat that experiment?

This would be the equivalent of 20mg CBD isolate in 20mL of methanol. Can you tell us why we don’t see a reading in the earlier experiment?


I was asked because I suspected it was the unit I was using…

@Lincoln20XX had confirmed that it was.

It’s not the unit I’m using now. I’m still not convinced.

That would be the second time that unit had been back in for repair…


Does anybody have a Fraction finder that can identify cannabinoid isolates in a solution?

@arometrix is this something you guys claim it should be able to do?



tenor (27)

Lol it’s not shilling seeing the obvious commercial ties between commenters and pointing out the concerns. Allowing us to highlight those with actual customer needs vs attempts at commerce.

“Best science post” @MagisterChemist would be akin to someone else selling horizontal membrane tubes (after a falling out between you two… maybe not for your story) … saying your tech is shit buy their tubes. Here’s my fancy issue with their tech, check my shameless plug where my product totally uses this tech to its actual potential. Their tech doesn’t even work.

Imagine this post

But it’s on an X Spiral review thread…

Do you see where I’m going?

Tell me you don’t see the similarities now?

I still look up to all of you, but I won’t for one second let you guys believe you have neutrality on topics you’re actively participating in for financial gain.


Neutrality is great, but so long as the bias is obvious what’s the issue? If a company makes specific claims about the product that aren’t replicable is it wrong for a competitor to point that out?

How many diagnostic labs do you think called bs on Theranos’ work? Was that wrong too?


The bias isn’t always obvious.

Like your involvement is pretty low key.

Do people not know you’re also a part of this?

You have financial interest to side with Alex on anything. Do you not help make the Pigment Finder or Tracker? @pdxcanna

Do you not have a traceable $ to this discussion?

Last I checked you’re in bed with @AlexSiegel and the product making. Which continues in the commerce commentary.

Specific claims of cannabinoid isolates is where?
This shit was programmed for using on a short path right? You’re expecting isolates?

All this looks like to me is 2 companies

Areometrix v Pigment Finder and their respective associates arguing on an Areometrix thread. Coincidentally timed after what appears to be a breakup between both parties that lead to the creation of the second party. It looks like maybe 2 customers actually participating and the rest is direct competitors and or associates.

Is it wrong that I point out you guys Pigment Finder has no standards?

I really really really deep down already know, but if you’d like I’ll give you guys the Pigment review you’re really asking for. (It probably won’t go well)

Starting to go full circle here. I see FF in use daily in labs producing. Clearly it does something right other than look cool.

I’m still in awe that @Zack_illuminated is choosing to be the biggest and open source his tech so maybe we could see some continued advancements on yalls companies. Can’t tease someone who removes their financial interest for the betterment of this science.

That should make both your companies evolve and allow more with interest to enter the playing field.


Alex tags me in just about every post about it, do I need to clarify in every comment as well?

I can’t speak as to the tech much, but based on what I’ve been shown I can’t see how the FF achieves all it claims

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As someone in the same position not practicing these devices techs. I can say FF serves a purpose for producing. I can say the Pigment Finder is limited in its pigments and isn’t truly a Pigment Finder.

It gives qualitative data about contaminants

How about we have a 3rd party do a full spd run relying solely on FF data to change fractions and post the COA, that’s an advertised use is it not?

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