For sale - (6) 1oz True Terpenes

I’ve got (6) 1oz True Terpenes bottles that we won’t be using. They are still sealed and unopened. Flavors are listed below. Paid $866, selling for $600 shipped

I dont think anyone here is gonna bite. I may be wrong but… yeah just search tt


Why wouldn’t anyone want trutepenes? Are they considered poison?

If you read the SDS of any terp blends like this yeah the argument could be made that they are all a little sketchy to be inhaling…

With that being said there’s nothing IMO that makes these terps from TT any more dangerous or safe than any other botanical terp manufacturer.

The reason everyone piles shit on them everytime they are brought up is b.c. they intentionally mislead people into thinking that thier diluents were just terpenes and the labs done by members here shows that it wasn’t what they said it was at all.

Whether or not you want to trust a company that tried to pull a fast one for profit is totally up to you.


Also how old are these terps? How were they stored?


I gotcha yea fuck a company that has no morals


everybody was selling diluent though. if you are cutting off every company that did you won’t have any place to buy terps. I actually like TT as they don’t have a heavy profile, but these must be the only flavors I’ve never tried. Now if there was a Cranberry Kush or a Twisted Citrus in there…

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Plenty of legitimate small scale producers not putting out garbage. Regardless of that, I’m not sure why everyone gets a pass simply because everyone was doing a shitting thing at the same time.

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I received them March 8 this year (3 weeks ago). Stored in a dark cabinet

I would like to buy these i did message you

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Thanks but I’m not selling for 450

Ill come up to 550 and cover shipping finsl offer lol


I have 5ml of blue dream sunset sherbet and tahoe og from true Terps still full I’ll sell for 50 bucks bought a month ago was gonna do d8 but backed out

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Not saying it was good or excusing it, but unless you are buying your terps from the pope I’m pretty sure you could look into the history of anybody and find some appalling mistake if you were so inclined. You could easily take issue with a majority of the members here for using MCT/PG/PEG cut in the past. The mistake was industry wide and corrected. Fight is over. I’m just looking for terps that taste good and are well priced.

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Maybe try returning them if you didnt open

we are talking botanical. seems like all the small guys are selling hemp/canna terps.

So you bought them on the Buy 1 Get 1 Free Sale from the week before that and you’re just selling them for a profit lol


i think his receipt is in the thread…looks like he missed the sale :man_shrugging:

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