Flagging abuse

I saw some people in the SPDKing thread day i would be a good mod. Why? I’ve made it clear how many times that I’m in favor of active moderation and yes, banning people… Obviously that’s not the direction the majority want. It’s kind of interesting though. People voted the T4 users in because they were noted community members that people liked and who had been good contributors. The majority of those people wanted the ban. So there’s something really out of step here. It makes me wonder why people voted for these
T4s and how you end up with the mods and the people who voted for them be in complete opposition.

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Yeah, my friend, i very much agree with you on this. The forum isn’t what it used to be. And now i feel old having said that, lololol.




is it the members that made it that way or the lack of innovation lately that only has neophytes coming in


I still think that having the ability to block someone from seeing your content and interacting with it would solve a lot of issues. Let the people who are insulted just block people. Instead of flagging everyone and wasting an admins time.

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Yeah, i believe we discussed this in the kings thread. I think it’s a bit of both. The forum got traction from being awesome and due to lack of innovation the old heads are not discussing the science as much leading to the new 4chan feel.

“I ain’t as good as I once was, but I’m as good once, As I ever was”

Words from the late great Toby Keith

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I don’t think it’s that… I have been on slack groups with old members who are creating tons of innovation. They are deliberately not posting it on here anymore because it’s too hostile and gets everything pulled off topic immediately.


personally I’ve gotten 30-40k in clones for a couple racks so its been insanely helpful for me, but that has more to do with the 4chan social aspect of the forum not the info

Cant say with not being very involved in hemp and learning crc tek elsewhere that this forum has ever been that informative as far as extraction goes for me personally.

the blue thca would have been pretty cool if it was informative and not just an advertisement

for me PERSONALLY it hasn’t gone downhill, as it has always resided in a valley.


4chan has gone to shit.

It was a better platform but now its just full of porn, schizos, bad shitposts and washed up trolls.

Its not what it was.

The Internet is not what it once was in general

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Its really annoying to not be able to add in imput when you have responsibilities. Im now anti flagging. Flags shouldnt have the power to halt a thread. Thats wack


what type of innovation?

game seemed hella stagnant after d8 and d9 conversions

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The game is what you make of it. Same goes for this forum. I see people killing it everyday! This forum has and still helps a ton.

I really enjoy when people’s real feeling come out……

It’s pretty awesome finding out who is really on your side or trying to use you for something……


An innovative experiment in democratic self regulation that illustrates why you don’t see more of it. There are always a certain portion of the populous misuse and abuse it.

Perhaps the flags could blind certain content until a moderator reviewed it without bushwhacking the thread?

Perhaps it could also be more transparent so as to identify who is disrupting and gaming the system?

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Post your trade secrets and sops and maybe you can get MOM!


I’m just speaking innovation wise as someone whose watched the arc since 2012 and glass tubes

I’m sure lots of people make lots of money and deals here and even get the occasional job or consult. I did very well and will continue to do very well with clones.


And @Graywolf was posting free innovations since years before that! Just posted a thread asking if people could be more civil and basically got laughed out of the park… If that’s how an innovator is treated why would anyone post anything good here anymore. Some are still doing it though. Lincoln has been posting a lot of good info lately and one of my threads seemed to help a lot of people.


I think it would have been better received if it was posted by one of the overlords instead.

im not aware of who lincoln is

and while that is rude behavior for people to treat mr wolf like that it doesnt really speak to current innovators.
