First try at diamonds, advice needed, please

Check the Ig, just a few too many headkicks & some forget simple grade school learning. (All jokes aside) lol

Dude is just a buy in owner doing some research kudos man.

If you ever get tired of reading you can always do a few folks to figure out a situation


I never learned any fun chemistry in school. The only science we did lab work with was biology.


I refused to dissect a frog for that part of class lol, it’s against my principles.

I was a onerous little shit back then, just like I am now I guess.


We only had one science teacher ballsy enough to do experiments, he reminds me of Santa Claus/ John Hammond, but he did the 5L bottle with misted ethanol torch a bunch to get peoples attention when talking during a learning video lol


Yea I will say I got 0 skills from science in school. I wish I had, but I did not. I was extremely adhd had to leave class to take meds for lunch blah blah I didnt learn much in school :rofl:

Im glad knowledge turned out to be something I love when I became older and since a young adult I have been all about soaking up as much as I can I still feel like I missed out a little in school :man_shrugging:

Luckily there’s youtube and other sources for us these days


Back on topic, anyone reading this looking for the basics. Google how to make rock candy, it’s the same shit.

You can also read the numerous threads about it here, do your homework, experiment, and when you think you have some questions, experiment some more.

I’ll repeat this again, the basic principles are middle school stuff. If you’re having questions about this I question your ability to do this stuff safely.

If you’re some investor or any one else who doesn’t wanna do the homework, you can pay plenty of people for a consultation here.

Rant over.


Did you ever crc your rock candy?


Only when it looks like tar


…if more folks could wrap their damn heads around that…


@cyclopath, except that sugar is not quite as costly as biomass and Butane is a bit more volatile than water

Don’t get me wrong, I get it that some of the pros around here are running short on spoons, but better to ask than to end up lying in a pile of burnt rubble. I have attempted to keep my dumass questions to a minimum and prefer to silently read all or at least much of the wealth of knowledge on this site… but sometimes a question or two for confirmation can take a bit of the trepidation out of the equation.

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If I can, pretty much anyone can. I’m not some smarty pants.

@MTOG, I’m by no means a pro. And while I can understand the argument you are making, someone who can’t google super solution really shows how either lazy or lacking they are. Especially when it’s been explained very recently here.

I made an analogy to video games earlier in another thread. But to keep it more on topic, coming in and asking questions like this are the equivalent of asking how to add or subtract in a calculus class to me.

You’re expected to know the basics before you walk into the classroom I say.


@Curious_Roberto I agree 100%, but can for sure see at least a part of the other side. With that being said, I deplore laziness and everyone should attempt to learn basics BEFORE asking dumass questions… but they don’t. Maybe some sort of algorithm that would require a certain amount of threads read or hours spent reading would be in order… in a perfect world


At this point I’ll give the damn spoon, but they’ll also get some sass from me haha.

Anyways, happy holidays!


There is only one verified consultant on here and for some reason all the others lost their badge. I wonder if there is a thread about why.


There are plenty of well qualified people to hire here. Just make sure and check their history.


:joy: same bro


wrapping ones head around saturation can be cheaply and safely achieved with sugar water…

Seeds are cheap too…

Once those concepts are grasped, then switching to “costs money” & “might blow your ass up” make far more sense…

Yet almost everyone who is given that gem gets all fucking huffy about it…which is just plain dumb.

Understand the concepts. Experiment with them. Safely. With your kids if you’ve got them…

Then learn to generalize…


can i say one thing? i spend days on here reading and shit… and EVERY post im on reading seems like everyone is sharing stuff and asking questions they are getting answered then comes curious_roberto or wtf ever being a totall ass. wtf is ur deal bro… not everyone knows what u do. we all trying to learn.


Shut up…


We’re all sick of people asking for free information that’s already been posted over and over.

Maybe if you actually came here on the regular, you’d get sick of it too.

Edit: I probably came in here with less knowledge than a lot of you newbs begging for free advice. I came and did my homework, so should you jackass.


I love that people skimming through the threads complain about @Curious_Roberto’s blunt delivery of the truth. If you can’t handle the heat, get outta the kitchen.
