First try at diamonds, advice needed, please

do you find youre tightening your sight glass often? i have never had to so im curious

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This is what I do and get great results every time,

  • do a CLS run, recover until there’s just enough solvent left so you can pour cleanly
  • pour your contents into a jar
  • depending on how much solvent is left, I usually let it evap outside at ambient temp a little bit with the lid on loose so nothing can get in the jar, but gas can escape
  • when the solvent has reduced until it’s close to a honey consistency (still solvent in there, almost water thin) I close the lid tight and let it sit.
  • check on it periodically for the next few hrs to ensure you don’t have too much pressure in there (if the lid bulges or deforms, I burp it slightly)
  • let it sit somewhere at room temp for 2-3 weeks, don’t touch it or move it, just forget about it
  • come back and pour your terps into another jar
  • purge both on low to no heat, low vac, slowly raising vac over the course of a few days until no reaction occurs
  • dab it up!

Sometimes on stubborn strains I will place the jar in the oven on low heat (~70-80F) as it helps promote separation, but lately as i’ve dialed in my process I find room temp works the best.


You better check it occasionally if runningg w dry ice

Other day mid run I noticed something was off…sight glass was loose!

If I’d been doing my every 4 month pressure safety test I bet I’d caught this before running


Your vessels you crystallize in, are up at 200+ PSI?

Do you possibly have your own SOP for this jar-tek? Your work is wonderful

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Do you have an SOP my man?

Yep ^^ too easy.
I used pretty much the same method he explained. My CLS column isn’t jacketed tho so we would pack the column and let it sit in the freezer for 24 hours. That helps.
Very short soak time, if any at all. Maybe 1-2 minutes.

Never really needed to crash it out in the freezer, but I know a lot of people on here say that helps.
Just be patient, don’t fuck with it, and let it sit for a few weeks.


You don’t want to reduce it too much. You want some solvent in there. Leaving it uncovered in the oven for 12 hours is probably going to remove too much solvent.
You need solvent in there to create pressure.

Never used a sock either. Just poured the mixture, let the solvent evap until it juuust starts to thicken up, but still easily pourable. I would error on the side of too much solvent, rather than too little. Cover it and let it sit.

EDIT: Obviously there are other factors, like your starting material is a huge one. But this method worked for us pretty consistently.


I think of warm honey when I cap my jars. That seems to be something most people can relate to as well when judging when to cap.


not at all, I don’t use dry ice on my runs. I have a valve at the bottom of my collection that I open when I’ve recovered enough and dump it right into the jar, reduce it to a honey like consistency, then put the lid on and come back in a few weeks to pour and do a purge


Thanks for the feedback, really appreciate it. @Otscc what are your thoughts on not placing the jar in a cryo bath for two days?

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Ok so we have multiple other sops for this now. We just need to dial in a few details before releasing them. And we just finally got the closed loop. Now we need to set everything up and get inspected. Then well be able to work on those. But basically if you want to skip the cryo. Then what you want to do is pour around the same thickness you would do a liquid shatter pour. Basically a little thinner than syrup. Then cap the jar and go directly to heat.


The cryo was just a start. We still use it but more for making isolate rather than sauce. If you let it fully crash. Then pour off the mother liquid. Wash the puck with cold pentane or heptane. Then dissolve in warm pentane or heptane and begin slow evaporation of the solvent. And you’ll be left with 99%+ thca isolate diamonds.


The quality of the extract dictates how easily it will crystallize. Essentially what we’re doing is leaving an extract fluid enough that the thca molecules can find each other and form a crystal lattice. But the more contaminants present the more difficult it is for the thca to find each other. This is why crc likes to crystallize so fast. This is also the reason that once the formation stalls we start to burp. To reduce distance between molecules so they can start to link again.


Thanks for the input! Congrats on getting things dialed in, I know we’re all excited for you. We appreciate the help and your SOPs

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First Attempt i had Using Butune. dry ice and iso to make my cryofluid, frozen tube, fresh frozen indoor tropicanna cookies. one week in the freezer one week in the fridge and two weeks at room temp. Open blast right into the jar submurgerd in the dry ice and iso solution. small run because i didnt have alot of material to start with.


This the stuff

I need help making this into diamond with just a microwave oven and mason jars! This stuff is unterped but as is taste really loud and gets me high as hell, I was gonna add terps after the fact from full spectrum in Denver. Any help or tips would be greatly appreciated


There are so many threads and so many questions on this subject I didn’t really know where it would be most appropriate to try and get some input… so I decided to start here.

I want to start trying some new things with diamonds and sauce being the direction I want to begin with. I have an 8" splatter platter (BVV) on the bottom of a 8"x12" collection vessel. What would happen if I just took the spool off and clamped the top right onto the splatter platter after the initial butane purge/recovery and put it into the vac oven? I will be using fresh cured trim that normally pulls about 18% to 22%. Feel free to tell me I am out of mind.

First and foremost would be … would it be safe?
What temp would be recommended?
What psi should I continue to vent to?
Should I black out the sight glass?
How long should I leave it in?
and last but not least… What can I expect as a result?


Leave in more tane than what is pictured