First spd run post on the forum

@Roguelab haha thank you. What would be the best pump to run? Alcatel or Edwards maybe?

@Demontrich thank you for the tip off


Got the system running for second pass rn. Added 1L of distillate that was bought with the first pass I did last time to clean them both up. So roughly 1700ml of material in the bf.

Currently at 101c on the mantle, 475 microns


Mains hit about 195c

Made sure to wait a decent amount of time to let the last of that milky layer come through and it seemed to pretty fully come out without any visibly passing through into the mains. Looking good on second pass aside from sitting at 645 microns. But while I was typing this it has been steadily decreasing. we’re now at 500 micron. First picture is the first fraction I split before switching to mains


The pump kinda depends how much $ you wanna spend, the alcatel go for around 300+ used, edwards e2m28/30 go for around 1900+ add shipping also the edwards we got through high5 was 1900 and 400 to ship

Both are fully capable, and neither are technically the “best” theres always gonna be something better

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The Alcatel is tits. Blanked off I was getting 4 microns, mid run the highest I hit was 58 microns. I got a rebuilt one from eBay at $880 plus like $150 shipping, but only because there was a drought of the fuckers when I finally got around to buying one. Looks like they’re getting listed again though, definitely recommend scooping one up. The rebuild kits aren’t too bad either, and from what I’ve heard they’re not that complicated. Especially compared to an Edwards.

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Also, not sure how relevant this info is to you right now, but I found my vac level and head temp fall very noticeably once I got into the tails and even more dramatically further into the tails. I expected the opposite to happen on the tails, but others have confirmed my experience was fairly standard. Just something to watch, because I really couldn’t tell by color until I was well into the tails.


I use an edwards 30, though i only run a 2 liter setup, i can reliably pull down to 1 micron in the main body. It could definitely handle a 5 liter setup, as long as you carefully clean and properly grease your joints ultra low vacuum is possible and boy does it help. I frequently have my main fraction coming across at 155-160C vapor temp and 175-180 on the mantle.


Dear friend
You are walking a fine line
Distillation under the. Conditions You are
Dooing have large margins for error
A do You know your max vac depth for a isolated pump ?
If so connected to your rig there should not be more than 100 micron diffrance during mains
Unless your pump would have a low cfm to handel the vapor
If there is a larger diffrance there its. A leak in your system
If this leak iis in your vapor path the oxigen beeing sucked in can isomerize your thc to cbc
Wich You won t notice on a visual but on a lab report When the damage is done
Please proceed with caution


On the nose with that tip.

Also try some vacuum grease on all glass to glass joints.

Hey, so the run was finished, the pump pulled around 400 and stayed during mains fraction. The pump blanked off was only able to pull down to 385, so I would believe there was no leak in system, or isomerization to CBC.

I will be looking into a new pump soon that will more easily pull a deeper vacuum.

With a deeper vacuum will it make pulling tighter fractions an easier job to accomplish?

What is the main reason for your cautionary tip? Due to the higher vacuum being used to pull fractions? Or the worry that there is a leak in the system

All glass joints were greased

So I’ll post pictures and videos of the final product from the run but I am slightly confused on the end product for a couple reasons.

Couple things I’m curious about, are the streaks throughout the distillate. I know most people would claim terps immediately looking at it, but there was nearly no heads fraction that pulled out of the second pass on this run. I let it run a little extra until all cloudiness and any sort of drip ceased. There was a full clear stream coming through after the cloudiness passed before I switched to the mains flask. Could it just be the way I heated and funneled the mains into the jar that the distillate settled In this manner?

The second thing I’m really confused about is this separation layer that occurred at the top. There’s a distinct gold layer at the top of this jar only(there were two that were jarred from the same mains flask) and for some reason is much less viscious than the rest of the jar when moved. I would think CBD initially because of how readily it moves(the jar initially bought before being ran was said to be 90%+ thc) but moved way too readily for that to be true. So I’m not too sure, but at the same time I’ve never seen distillate separate thc from cbd like this before. But the rest of the jar underneath the gold layer is much more stable and doesn’t move like the top layer does. And the entire jar is at room temp, same Temperature. If anyone has any ideas let me know!

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Well great :grinning:
Yes main fear was a leak
Yes You should be able to pull better fraqtions
Lower bp lower temp lower degradation
All in all deeper vacuum makes sense
Get a lab report on content for refrance sake :grinning:
And don t ditch the sogevac. IT s a fantastic pump for volatiles and When heads arrive You switch

Perfect thank you! I’ll keep that in mind and do my upgrades accordingly!

If you had any insight on the previous reply of the finished product I just made, that would be great! Slightly baffled at this point.

Also if these are problems that could be mitigated by running the distillate for a third time, should that be done or would it cause too much degradation to be worth it?

Thanks again for all the shared knowledge from yourself as well as everyone else thus far.

I’ll be sending this distillate into the lab tomorrow for clarification on what I’m looking at as well regardless of if I rerun once again or not!

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Getting a deeper vacuum in the sub 100 micron range, i think you’ll find its easier to separate the heads, and you might still have some in there. To me the slight cloudiness and color and viscosity differences you mentioned would point me to thinking you could pull a little more undesireables off the front. That might only be feasable with a deeper vacuum though.

Also, since you arent using the hot condenser tek, there are some terpenes co-eluting with the main body that will be pretty near impossible to separate without upgrading to hot condenser tek.

You can still make great distillate with your setup, and dialling down that vacuum level will help a bunch.


Do you have a link to the hot condenser tek? I tried searching, but nothingnreally came up, minus beakers spd sop

Not sure how to send you to other threads, might have to scroll up to the first post haha

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Actually i think it worked

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Breaking.dabs is a pioneer. Every system has its own personal techniques to run it on point. You’re doing a great job man, keep up the fantastic research! And don’t forget to have FUN!


Hey I have a questions off subject but would like to know what you think? So I’m needing to make a litter into a thinner product that I would b able to run thru a hopper sprayer type gun that would get the most sqft coverage… CBD is thinner?