Filteration question CAPNA

After purchasing the ethos6 and having it connected with 3 rotovaps (20L) do I need a specific filter to run it or I can just toss it into a short path?

If I need a filter can anyone recommend me any

WHat do you imagine you’re going filter post rotovap, pre-short-path?

Do you understand the viscosity of your product at this point in the process??

You’ve removed all the solvent… even at 50C you have maple syrup…


Please explain to me where the tinciture is and what is a .5 - 1.0 “um”

Sorry I’m a little new to this thank you

Start here.

You made it in the capna.
I suggested you filter it before you put it in the rotovap.

0.5um is “half a micron”, which is how fine a filter I prefer. I suggested you might find one hundredth of a millimeter (10microns) sufficient.

One micron, also know as a micrometer, is a thousandth of a mm, which is a thousandth of a meter. So 10-6 meters…

Not doing your homework before purchase often has consequences.

You’ll see a lot of capna systems for sale around here…


What’s interesting is that capna markets that you can connect 3 20L rotovap to the ethos6 and it’ll automatically recover winterized crude.

If the ethos has an auto running feed to the rotovap then we would have to do it after?

it says right there that they are filtering to 10um pre rotovap.

Which should be sufficient for short path.

Were you heading to WFE, it would not be, imo.

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This is also assuming that one’s biomass is free of botritis or other nasties, and if the biomass does have mold present, as is often is the case when running at scale, 0.2um is what it should be filtered through prior to rotovapping, right @cyclopath?


Debatable if end product is distillate.

Certainly I’d rather remove spores before the rotovap or boiling flask.

Neither of those make anything particularly toxic (for most of us), but the act of boiling “not particularly toxic” brings the risk of producing unknowns, so I’d rather avoid it.

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