FDA Sends Warning Letters to D8 Manufacturers and other hemp derived products


I know it’s natural to assume that the people inside the walled garden are bad, but what if I framed this in a slightly different way? Pharma and the FDA work together closely because the nature of the relationship between their jobs demand it.

Not trying to say big pharma is great but I really don’t think this is going to be as disruptive to the adult use market as everyone thinks.

The name of the game in pharma is you get your unique formulation with a unique delivery method approved for a specific application. Your reward for jumping through those hoops is you get to charge a ton and have a virtual monopoly on that specific medical application. Just like how pharmaceutical formulations that include acetaminophen did not kill the OTC market, I don’t think pharmaceutical cannabinoid formulations are going to kill the adult use industry.

Pharma and FDA work together on paper only

The reality is regulatory capture.

Remember how the FDA did marketing for Pfizer by saying in big letters that their covid vaccine was “approved”?

Its still under an EUA, the FDA willingly used deceptive language and lined Pfizer’s pockets



It will eventually spell the end of small businesses in the future if things continue like this, in terms of government and corporate influence of laws and the market.

Small business has no future already

Blackrock and vanguard own essentially everything


The FDA approves what these companies push, solely for $$$ and control.

They can collapse small business models by doing this, to restrict the cannabinoid market to corporations and synthetic’s only, which would be manufactured by said corporation’s that FDA is in kahoot’s with, which can be used to sell us even worse quality products.

Has no future legally at least.

The traditional small businesses will always be there.

I would like to point out that since most of us live in America this type of thing is only possible due to the complacency of the people. We are letting them walk all over us while we are many and they are few.

You were completely right just realized i went full rtard and argued something relevant to another topic i was chiming in on the time. @kentene gas formation post.

My bad you were on point


Appreciate you bro - that’s a man move.

Hope you have a solid fuckin` weekend!


Likewise man cheers :slight_smile:

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A very informative review of the situation.

Perhaps you would make one further comment?

Under the current Farm Bill can residents of a state eat (legally grown) raw or cooked Hemp Flower. Is Hemp regarded as a
Food product vegetable?


They are 100% going to take over the industry.

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No. Hemp flower is not currently a Food Product Vegetable. The USDA has given governance of this to the FDA.

The FDA has decided only Hemp Seed products are GRAS Food Products.

They have also been very clear that CBD is a drug and cannot be in food. There’s a pretty clear guidance from the FDA about this subject - which is what they have been referencing in these warning letters.


this restricts interstate trafficking…? Only.

And a clearly marked label…not for human or animal consumption.

But in Oregon, I think you can eat it?
Certainly under concept of medical marijuana it is edible?

The exception rule seems tricky. CBD was certainly being marketed nationwide in RSO form prior to Epidiolex being approved…and CBD in Bhang goes back 3000 years if not 5000
(Sumerian use).

Someone needs to market CBDA immediately as a tonic for aspirin like qualities…prior to big pharma applying to FDA.

CBD conversions to D8/D9 are synthetic…and problematic in the extreme. Liability of poisonous and unknown by products seems off the chart. The industry is just one lawsuit away from a theoretical “vanishing point”.


Tell that to Charlotte’s web. They already tried to use this GRAS method, and failed and then failed the court appeal. :frowning: FDA response to them disagrees with all kinds of stuff.

FDA is interstate commerce related stuff. So you can always get permission from your local state but then can’t sell things across state lines.


Of course if you want to be part of a de novo,
4.3 billion person, genetic engineering experiment, based on a nucleotide sequence developed in P4 labs…

No problema


Crazy world, huh? Clearly the FDA isn’t making enough from the hemp game!

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Slappy time

And tripple Bump…needs to be read