FDA Says New Path needed for CBD!

I’ve got a 2 year old foia for d8 results, not getting anything back on that isn’t a good sign


We’re from the government and we’re here to help. LOL


I’m not waiting on that. Those companies are so small I give no fucks.

What I’m looking at is the FDA showing up with the DEA and state police authorities to enforce warning letters and consent decrees (already happening across the country). Those things will end up in the courts where we will be able to see them more clearly, but right now everyone is just mum about it.

Those are companies that were selling edibles and what not across state lines, using ingredients that the FDA says are not allowed to be food additives. And those facilities were raided, because they might also have had illegal substances in them. That their activities regardless of any “THC” were already illegal is what the FDA has doubled down on.

So now that the FDA has been clear and enforcement has started (companies will lose money, perhaps people will go to jail, but probably not white collar crime and all that jazz…) and they have kicked the issue back to Congress - it seems rather important that we all decide what we want and we tell Congress specifically, consistently, and loudly so they don’t forget that we exist.



I supposed telling the FDA to fuck right off wouldn’t be in the cards? With so many companies in the game, it’s almost like the FDA is picking winners and losers which is a real shocker!


All I see is they’re gonna double down on protecting epidiolex and big pharma. Watch as prescription CBN and D8 and so forth go into the fold. Once one gets the FDA approval then enforcement will follow.

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Links for submission of comments to Congress.

That might be a better name.

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I just want to reiterate - that yes! telling the FDA to fuck right off, is in the cards. They need to hear from us loudly. And that includes if we want to tell them hands off my hemp/weed. And that includes decrying them for thinking that we have to treat this sacred plant like a drug product.

And that also includes looking them straight in the face and asking why the US govt has a patent on these products for medical uses, but also says they are not medical products.

And that also includes slamming your hand on the table to remind them that these products were readily available and approved by the government and included in the predecessors to USP long before they were outlawed by a government determined to persecute people of color and creating a completely fabricated classification we now call “reefer madness”.

You better believe that while I may be respectful - telling them to go away and why. Telling them their rules are silly and why. And generally working with legislators to get them to go the fuck away is all part of it.

Do I think they actually will give up these powers, no way. Executive branch wants to keep as much power of everything as they possibility can…

But that doesn’t mean I’m not speaking loudly. I’m in the Capital a couple times a year and writing and working with regulators and legislators all year long. And some of them will even agree with me that we need to tell the FDA to fuck right off. :wink:


They tried to take CBD and all the legals threeish years ago. What makes you think they are not going to try again?

Remeber hipa and pipa? My spicy sense is tingling

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RIP CBD Dog Treats, RIP Walmart found CBD bath bombs and lotions, Rip Hemp products that contain CBD in regular stores.

I can see this meaning more testing, regulations and might spill over into the THC world.

Was wrong, they do mention animals.

Do we have a voice or organization that is in the ears of the the Congress?

I think we need a national group of like mined people that are passionate and care about these plants and their positive attributes.

I see that all these other industry’s have groups that lobby for them. I don’t see any really for hemp/cannabis. If there are can you tell me who they are?

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Always reminds me of Thank you for smoking

We 100% do. :slight_smile: I’m active with three lobbying groups. ASA - americans for safe access, we lobby all the time and a big push with lots of members coming once a year, usually in September, this year in April.

NCIA - national cannabis industry association. This is my most active group. We give white papers to regulators and legislators monthly. We always process public comment requests and give regulators our public comments for the whole world to see. And we also do campaigns with members and the broader public so people know what to say and where to say it. We have on-site lobbyists and we do lobby days every year, this year in May in DC.

US Hemp Roundtable - I spend the least amount of time with these guys, mostly cause I don’t have a lot of time to volunteer with my work for ASA and NCIA. This is hemp only focused group, there are a couple of others – mostly groups of lawyers advocating for specific clients – this one has great direct links to legislation that is important for hemp. However, its board is full of a lot of mega companies that often seem opposed to the GLG ethics/ethos and generally specific to keeping all the money in one basket, theirs. So always consider what they are saying in that light and really consider if you agree with the points they are making before getting on board.

OMG - doesn’t it. I never thought I would do this. Always an activist, for the last 30 years but never really a lobbyist until the last 10 or so. And by that I mean, actually showing up to face to face meetings, prepping, calling, creating call to action campaigns, etc. Its wicked how the system works - and honestly watching it on the local and state levels is even worse. At least at the federal level it seems to move slowly - not as much indiscriminate flipflopping all the time…


NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws) has been around for a long time helping our cause as well!

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We need Sector Sixes

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Just received an email from vivimu saying it will discontinue all THCa products. Wonder if it has anything to do with this?


:broken_heart: Damn. I thought we was all good