Been in the trenches 18 hrs / day past 2 weeks making pectin gummies.
We’ve nailed the cook & pour — or we’re making good gummies at least.
I have about 9 full speed racks of gummies curing (drying). About the same number of gummies in the fridge ready to package. PH around 3.5 to 3.6 & proper sugar to humectant ratio.
I’m not tubbing them for the fridge until I see .62 to .65 AW. That may be lower than others go — not sure. My gummies used to sweat above .65 but I’ve greatly improved my recipe since.
I’m pouring at 78 to 79 brix. Still, they’re taking about 5 to 7 days to dry / cure!!
Anyone have any tips for speeding this up?
Also, any tips for avoiding skinning on top of molds? This has improved with recipe improvement, but still an issue. Lots of dead space on our molds.
Trying our square molds today. I understand square molds are much less likely to skin due to having almost no dead space.
Our recipe is very dialed-in now so I don’t imagine I will have skinning with these.
Skinning on our coin molds is becoming less of an issue. I’m going to try spraying coconut oil (right?) on before pouring and see if that gets us there.