Farm in Southern Oregon busted, 150 greenhouses

The best idea ive head is shipping container underground. got a buddy doing that as we speak.


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Been a thing for a while


Just fyi, it only works in sand, at least without building berms on each side to hold back the weight of the dirt. A heavy clay soil will crush a container when buried. The containers are strong but they are not built to take pressure like that.


The hills have eyes

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Thank you for bringing this up. Containers are not meant to see that soil load on the walls and roof. Youā€™ve got to shore them up to bury them safely. Containers are designed to see load on the corner castingsā€¦not on the corrugated steel walls and roof. Imagine all that soil being saturated with water after a healthy rainā€¦


Yeah you literally got a put it into a concrete box with the drainage and then a fake roof with a little bit of dirt on top

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Drainage is key


I shudder thinking about how many lives/time that was potentially saved by this comment. Plenty of people would have tried it over the years, if thatā€™s where the comments stopped.


You just described a complete nightmare. Iā€™ll bet it starts with a little creakingā€¦ And then implosion

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Misapplication of resources. That looks like just the thing for the mushroom folks. Probably wouldnā€™t need a $100k generator for lights :rofl:


thereā€™s already a fewā€¦

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Overgrow faq has some great info on staying low key

The county sheriffs are looking hard for signs of harvest activity. They know this is the most painful time to strike. All the money is out and none back in yet. Iā€™d hate to think what happens to some schlub tending a cartel or CCP grow. Do they get fussy when that happens? I would.


@SubstituteCreature I want true hearts to prevail safely also especially here in my Oklahoma. Where swimming away from trouble would be my ony option thats why I for many years put my beans collected from around the wold on islands by boat.

And if I remember the year correctly the last cultivation charge I had on me was in 2003. Had my house opened and search while house was vacant, where they left a search warrant with a few pages attached that were all the itemized list confiscated evidence and contraband. These over eager cops broke up a party next door and saw a window on my house with a slight orange from Hps light contamination coming from basement window with a crack. Also the 12" exhaust vented into the wondow was pretty loud as I recall I had to put it on a variable speed control to reduce the obvious noise coming from my overkill giant 12"in line fan sitting in top of my biggest still charcoal filter. Back then I specialty orderd it from BC it came private freight on a pallet with the fan, the filter frame, somthing like 10 boxed of baged activated charcoal to fill frame with and a carbon fiber velcro wrap for it. Weighing definitly more that I did. I would roll it around my basement when needed. An the heavy frame with charcoal filter inside the few items not taken as evidence lol. I mean they took zig zags so lil surprising. But by far the worst lost were many new genetics from GHC and Barnys I had flown to Amsterdam to purchase an smuggle back in my shoe. Some never even were sprouted yet. That loss still after almost 20 yeas is a little sore. All charges soon dropped due
illegal search and seizure improperly serving of a warrent when Ft. Collins cops crawlled through an open window and left the warrent and lists of stolen property on my coffee table. To find when returing home from the bars early the next morning. First thought was I got robbed , until soon my friend came to me all excited holding up soom paper saying search warrent on it. Thatā€™s was the last time I took a full year off until things calmed down. But after that year off I found the perfect place an went much bigger then ever before. And another reason to go back across the pond again or maybe that time I went up north to Cambie and Hastings to meet the legend ME for thr first time I canā€™t remember anymore but all great memories of what it once was for other seasoned vets. Well that all I got , everyone stay safe andstay diligent in feelloing those gut feelings about things people and placesā€¦


FOCO is a rough spot surprisingly! Hereā€™s the thread I was talking about making in that initial few posts here - I really hope some of the stuff I dropped in it can help yā€™all stay safe and protect yourselves my friend

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Where can you buy the radios and how much?

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