Fake Dank vapes warning

MCT has been used for a long time in the vape industry. Nicotine and THC. If that was a problem this would have come up sooner, in my opinion. I find it no surprise that this string of illnesses came around the introduction of commercial thickeners.


popcorn lung is a hoax essentially. odds of getting it from vaping are far far less than smoking any tobacco and you never hear of cig smokers getting popcorn lung.

The chemical is called diacetyl.


yeah i know all about it. I owned a vape liquid manufacturing company for years during the transition that occurred. Diacetyl was in some cream flavors used in vape liquids at relatively high concentrations a few years back compared to non cream vape flavorings. The popcorn lung scare occurred (tobacco slander campaign) and because of this all major flavoring companies reformulated their flavors to omit diacetyl (TFA,FA, Capella etc). BEFORE the reformulation you still were exposed to less diacetyl from a few puffs of a vape then you were from smoking a cig and yet you never see cigarette smokers complaining about popcorn lung.

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Got any research proving the concentrations were benign?

Call me crazy, but, as stated in the original comment, I wouldn’t bother taking the chance.

That’s why you use 2.0 lmao!!!

it’s been a few years this all occurred in the vape industry like 4 or 5 years ago. i dont remember the exact ppm off the top of my head but i assure you i had a lot of interest in getting this right at the time and many multi million dollar eliquid manufactures not only did their own testing but so did the flavor manufacturing companies. but dont take my word for it few minutes on google will surly validate my claim.

the concentrations that were causing popcorn lung was happening to employees at popcorn manufacturing businesses thus the name popcorn lung. the employees were dealing with very high concentrations in the manufacturing process, much higher than cigs or vapes.

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i want to say the cream flavors everyone was flipping out about was around 1,000 micrograms if memory serves me right.

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Well… I’d love to see some studies proving any of this flavor stuff is even relatively safe to inhale, coupled with studies proving they don’t combust into something different entirely, and that if they do, whatever that is won’t kill you either.

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This just in:

The chemical is an oil derived from vitamin E. Investigators at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration found the oil in cannabis products in samples collected from patients who fell ill across the United States. FDA officials shared that information with state health officials during a telephone briefing this week, according to several officials who took part in the call.

That same chemical was also found in nearly all cannabis samples from patients who fell ill in New York in recent weeks, a state health department spokeswoman said.


Killa if you would share your source that would be awesome! If not that’s cool too :slight_smile: We need some to cut down some crystallized distillate.

I posted my source. @colombiabeneficial


Thank you, I missed that :+1:

Sooo the main culprit is Vitamin E?

Someone in this tread said it best: Out of the few years the vaping industry gas gone mainstream(I don’t know the exact number of years it’s been), all these cases seem to be recent, right around when all these thickening agents began to get introduced. I know MCT oil, along with PG and VG is nasty, but when those 3 were the main cutting agents, I didn’t notice anyone being sent to the hospital. Unless I was completely oblivious to it…


MCT isnt that common, 99% of ecig juice you buy at the store is a pg/VG mix. Ive actually never seen a major ecig brand use MCT. Cbd distillery doesn’t even use MCT in their vape pens now, they use tec oil

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@Future if this is true, can we get a sticky?

There is at least one case of someone who ate popcorn daily for 10 years and as a result got popcorn lung and won a lawsuit.

Idk what the levels are from eating a bag of popcorn, but I wouldn’t really feel comfortable with any level of chronic exposure.

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All of the new articles implicating vitamin e have this exact excerpt…

“No one substance, including Vitamin E acetate, has been identified in all of the samples tested. Importantly, identifying any compounds that are present in the samples will be one piece of the puzzle but will not necessarily answer questions about causality.”

With that I’m still not convinced vitamin e is or isn’t the culprit. I’ll be really happy when there’s actually new information. Things got more confusing with the death in Oregon being caused, in theory, by a cartridge purchased from a legal dispensary.