F42K Responsible for ∆8 Industry

Who dropped the sop last year? That’s whT I don’t follow so I’m genuinely curious

The hemp market was crashing anyway so of course d8 is gunna crash with it

Yeah, hasn’t anyone else noticed prices aren’t keeping up with inflation? Some consumer goods have almost doubled in price since the farm bill was passed (beef for example), yet hemp and CBD has only become cheaper. It’s an easy to grow plant that churns out a highly desired drug, that with legalization has turned into a brand new market. It’s inevitable for there to be a big bust eventually due to the overabundance of commercial scale growers who had deep pockets but little understanding of what people actually want to do with hemp.

But as they say competition is good for the consumer, so overcompetition must be great, and I gotta say I am enjoying these 25 cent doobies.


i had a shit load of liters on hand I was hoping they would go up like wood but I got destroyed instead, they went down

The problem is just overproduction. Not enough users to even use up last year’s supply. The wholesale price will never go up until enough companies die to put supply and demand back in equilibrium.

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Nastiest cloudy liter i’ve seen besides some rosy red liters and a burnt smelling black one. I refuse to touch D8 anymore, I know it can be helpful to many, but the stuff that floods the market is NOT medicine, it’s poison


What do you expect from desperation

Why d8 needs to be regulated

All buyers care about is the cheapeast price so they can mark there product up the most

They will chase the cheapest price as it drops from vendor to vendor


Nobody was talking about it that’s for sure.

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The price was already at 1k when the reactor sops started dropping

What does it take to make something that bad? Un-winterized crude?


Looks poorly neutralized

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Wish I knew. Not my expertise

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Fats/lipids/gums in the isolate


I have an ISO-3 that I got when they first came out. I remembered the ISO-2 but had no experience with it other than sampling ditchweed and that was garbage in/garbage out. I’d heard about the CBD conversion but there’s just negligible amounts anyway. The ISO-3 was offered for review so I took the offer.

I have a lot of things I do tested for educational purposes in my GrassCity thread so I have noticed that while there may be small amounts of CBDa, as usual, in the raw flower, there would be none in final oil but there would be noticeable increases in CBG. I couldn’t be certain with THC because it was such a small amount but because of the CBG increase I thought there was some isomerization going on.

I was never really sure about that CBDa conversion to THC because of those quantities were small enough for lab inconsistencies. I would have known if there was D8 because I had convinced my lab to start testing for it back in 2015 because it can be naturally occurring. Had no idea of this D8 conversion then. So just recently I ran some hemp with about 13% CBDa and compliant D9 through the full 24 hour low temp soxhlet process to see if there was any conversion.

The results were good as far as converting all the CBDa to CBD but I didn’t find any increase in THC. It may be that it may have needed more than 24 hours or more heat than a light bulb. Since I had no idea of converted D8 at the time I never pursued it further. I was a little disappointed, though, at having personally busted a cool cannabis myth. It will decarb THCa in 9 hours during processing, though, which is kind of handy. Just_Cuz_06 (2015_10_01 04_32_03 UTC)


Did listing the OTSS tek crash the diamond market ??

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Yeah, why is that device named anything to do with isomers? More like reflux for dummies… The Dummyfluxer… I’d call it

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It was the old days, wild ditchweed was everywhere and nobody had a clue. Even if it did change the CBD, there wasn’t enough in the plant to make any difference even when concentrated. It is a good way to reclaim alcohol and make feco, though, but not for too much more. There still wasn’t much in the line of concentrates when the 3 was introduced so it was a good tool for home growers with a lot of trim to use up, basically a dirty crude. The isomerizing aspect has never been proven to me and isn’t something I’d really be interested in for anything other than knowledge.

Besides, I didn’t have to buy it. They gave it to me thanks to my GrassCity thread. The only other thing available at the time was the Source Turbo and that was really expensive. Most of the technology used here at F4200 was still being developed at that time thanks to the Skunk Pharm and others. You may consider it “the Dummyfluxer” but you’ve got to realize the times were still primitive and this was one of the first steps to developing your current trade. It used etoh and was considered much safer than open blasting which was the norm along with the explosions and residues. That was only six years ago, believe it or not. The technology has advanced for sure. It still deserves some respect in cannabis history. I know several people who still use theirs regularly with no complaints. yeux3


Well, homie. I tired finding that thread and i can’t. Dude’s name is Steven. That should ring bells with people here cause he started a veritable shit storm with that one and no disty was not a 1k when he dropped it. Again i know cause I’ve been in the business and unfortunately dealt with that shit myself.

I k kw who you are talking about. He dropped a pTSA reactor SOP for D8?

WhT about Reddit and all the powder teks?


Lol was it stevelabman :joy: