novice here getting there though… sorry if any questions sound dumb and appreciate any help or answers …(remember reading a comment on thread someone saying no question is dumb enough doing this , safety is everything , so that gave me courage to post LOL)
recently got my hands on a precision px1 (v2016), used to have a stand alone closed loop system so its a pretty cool upgrade … one thing i have some questions about on is, it will be my first time using dewax column and using nitrogen assist. i have a taprite regulator that caps at 60 psi . wondering if thats over kill will be using 100 percent ntane . and i will be introducing it from the solvent tank do i bleed from solvent tank as well .? honestly also not baller enough yet to get an almighty julabo or huber chiller LOL . will a chiller like this from across international be good enough to make solvent tank good cold enough to make decent oil slabs AT LEAST LOL
im also guessing i have to grab 2 of them one for the solvent tank and one for dewax column ?
or is there some hack i can do to rock one for both jacketed vessels? also was wondering thoughts on anybody sharing there tec for how long they let solvent sit on dewax column and when you should initially introduce nitrogen at got a buddy saying he dont even use nitrogen for his px1 actually but precision saying thats what all big boys in the industry using soooo hmmm thoughts famunity? again any answers tips are appreciated !! also the guy that i got the system off was using a polyscience chiller with this from auto zone was like what the … he ssaid he managed to get it to go too -30 -40 with that tech but pretty sketch about that