Extraction Nightmare

oops wp

care to elaborate?

as in which post don’t you believe…


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that any non-hemp focused machine made by elf is truly functional.

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This post is a crock of poop soup as is most things out of an elven mouth, their some good honest guys there but from my experience they have no voice and do as their told to make ends meet. Prolly half of the pics you see in the initial post are from their attempts to fix my unit (still waiting for them to finish 9 months after purchasing…) and are not from R&D stages. If they are in fact R&D then I would like to know why you treat customers as your R&D projects? Always happy to post the 100+ pictures over those months if needed :smiley:


big ol’ flat cap. hopefully straight butane only.
im no p.eng, but that system gets a hard no from me.


Post pics or it didnt happen. :zipper_mouth_face:


That too made me go “What the shit?”

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This should be a meme gif.

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Can’t wait until I can, gotta give legal another day or so.
Will say if it were almost any other industry that what we have & are still dealing with and the attitudes of those involved are now more embarrassing than they are unbelievable.
But despite the fact that whenever I meet another poor soul that’s had the pleasure of being sold this “machine” or having to deal with the people reselling it their reaction has thus far been the same:
“oh those guys? …Yeah they got me to”
And its generally followed with a hollow laugh and a question about what all we were still waiting on and working through or which system we chose to replace it with.

Although I must say that all the negativity has had one positive come from it, it gave me one of my favorite industry interactions to date. Just the other night I had the opportunity to catch up with two other processors I’ve gotten to know over the last 9 months thanks to the consistency of service we’ve all had to tolerate. Regardless, we did get to enjoy a looooong shitty laugh over which companies had heard what we were sold (or in this one case simply who had) and the dumb number that had been unable to resist the sweet opportunity our situations must be providing.
But hey it’s the wild west out here, only a matter time till the Rangers migrate north a posse forms up, or the Sheriff’s decide to show.


Anybody who installs TeamViewer or splash top can make the same claim. Talked with a guy at their booth this year who said their software wasnt finished yet



Looks like it’s more than just the welds. How do people get away with this lol

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Naw teamviewer costs money

No it doesnt. Their free version allows remote control of other computers. I use it all the time.


Try splash top, I loved it for controlling crafting on mmo’s remotely.


As a corporate account?

I used the free TeamViewer all the time at my previous job using a corp account with no issues. Unattended access is the shit lol.

But a specific account for every customer account?

at best that system is like a minivan, gets you from A to B but you don’t want nobody to see ya in er.