Ethanol Diamonds?

This has always been my philosophy. I didn’t even think crystallization was possible in ethanol until today :grimacing:


Wow! Looks like they could use a wash but this is amazing!

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What’s your opinion on leaving the ethanol/oil solution you receive from ethanol extraction like before rotoing down so has more ethanol to oil ratio, and letting that sit. We get ahead of ourselves in our lab and im wondering if letting it store that way effects the conversions.

After rotovaping can you add more terpenes to the oil as your jarring? And what’s your opinion on vacuuming before jarring?

Why would you think crystallization wouldn’t be possible with ethanol?

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My own lack of knowledge in the subject. I always figured you had to get ethanol to de carb temps to evaporate. I’m just barely getting into wipe film in my lab and we haven’t run the machine more then once before the diffusion pump exploded. I wasn’t present for that initial run but everyone’s blaming the pump. I’d say it was user error but the technician who showed us the machine was utilizing the machine for the demonstration.

Hey folks, let’s keep this thread going. Anybody have any updates?

I am also curious if you are using dry cured frozen material, or fresh frozen material. My thoughts are dry cured frozen because there will be way less water to remove, but there will also be fewer monoterpenes and more THC (as opposed to THCA). Anyone care to share? Thanks!

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THanks THChemist. I know you’re capable of extracting at much lower temps than us and don’t do any post processing. Could you share what sort of input biomass you use? Dry cured or fresh frozen?
Thank you!

Dried and cured.
Get it to 5-10% ethanol (5% for sugar, 10% for slower, larger growth) and start playing around with heat and vacuum.

At the right percentage of ethanol you can just leave it jarred up on a shelf and it will work its magic. This sweet spot will depend on strain due to the varying ratios of terpenes.


Thank you sir.

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What do you do with the portion of oil that you pour off from the crystals/what is that consistency like?

better off platter-in-mantle. was able to pour up post roto

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The couple times i’ve tried to make diamonds I end up with some crystals and the other half has to be poured off and purged down further, which never ends up being “sauce” only a pull and snap shatter. Any comments about this?

try pouring it in a wider vessel with more surface area on the bottom. Don’t go over an inch high in the vessel.


I’ve done thin pours too…the sauce just eventually crystallizes/budders up too

how long are you allowing it to crystallize initially? if the sauce continues to crystallize then it is still super saturated with THCA and you shouldn’t separate it from crystals that have already started growing.


So if I were to have capped what I made in that platter that’s in the mantle with a miner lid could I have made diamonds if I had set it in the oven?

So if it’s still supersaturated should I just leave it alone? or should I increase/decrease temp to encourage the rest of the THCa to crash out? should I pull additional vac to remove more solvent or will that stall the crashing if there isnt enough etoh for the THCa to crash?

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Second this