Ethanol + Citric Acid Method result

I will try this soon.

CBD : 5g
Anhydrous ethanol : 10g
85% phosphoric acid : 1g(20% of CBD weight)

Reflux for 2 hours

Anhydrous ethanol 99.5% what’s the other 0.5% ? Probably water 0.5% water
On a liter is 5 ml. Wich equals to 500 ppm
In chemistry this is wET not even close se to dry
Pure ethanol that has now water needs a series of treatments t get rid of the water
Drying with molecular sieves only gets you into the 10 ppm range of dryness distilling over
Phosphorus pentoxide get s you in the 1 ppm area then
One filial distillation under very controled conditions hermetic glovebox (vacuumoven entry) n2 envirment you can get into the ppb
Of water content
That’s dry ethanol


Use 2 grams of phosforic acid


Thank you for the detailed explanation.
The explanation was very clear and I am now more familiar with chemistry.

I would add 2g of phosphoric acid.

Does “take phosphoric acid” mentioned in this method mean neutralizing it?

Im pretty sure, he means buy85% phosphoric .
Pre heat oven weight out x amount of phosphoric
Leave it in the oven till u lose 15% of its weight…
Neutralizing before rxn would be pointless u need the acid for the rxn to go from cbd to thc…



This was about “how to dehydrate acid”, wasn’t it?
Sorry my English is not good enough.

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The phosphoric is 85%,u should do this to lose the 15% water still remaining in there…so yes its drying the acid out…
I would start reading there is so much info on here,first read read read till u are comfortable with the procedure…
And know what everything is called every procedure…
This is the best rxn to start with,i did this rxn for my first try sfter i reading all the info i could find here…
Its not like nobody wants to help…but some people just wsnt a recipe like baking a pie…
Nobody wants to see you hurt,or youre future customers…
Start reading today,there will alwäys be somebody here to fill in the blanks when it gets to much…
But its important to understand every step for every ones safety including yourself…
Stay awsy from pyrophric catalyst .
This would be a good rxxn to learn…be safe anddontl test it yourself let a lab have alook first after lle and spd.

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Thanks for the advice.
I will try my best to understand the science correctly by trial and error and find the best way.

There is no lab in my country that can do the test.


how much d9% did people do with this sop?

I did this by increasing the acid to 2g.
Neutralized with sodium hydroxide solution.
I added 20 ml of hexane.
I got 3 layers, what are these?
My guess is the emulsion layer.

I discarded only the bottom layer and added water and hexane(20ml).

Should I discard the bottom layer and add water?

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The emulsion was rinsed with water three times and also dehydrated with MGSO4.


The phosphoric acid neutralization process was a bit difficult.
It was done while measuring PH. The final result was 5-6
Ethanol : 10g
Phosphoric acid : 2g
For this quantity, exactly how much sodium hydroxide should I use?

Neutralizing with a strong base like NaOH requires precision, try sodium bicarbonate instead.

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H3PO4 + 3NaHCO3 → 3CO2 + 3H2O + Na3PO4
97.9952 g/mol : 252.0198 g/mol
1g : 2.572g
In other words
If I use 2g of phosphoric acid, should I use 5.144g of sodium bicarbonate?

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Because it’s a buffer, you can use excess. In your wash water.

Wade through these before taking the professed non-chemists word for it.

It’s been several years since I’ve done this rxn, and I don’t have the SOP I was working from at my fingertips.


90 s is possible but extremely finicky
Our loved member @davidb once even pulled a full conversion and I think it was @AlexSiegel
That was around at the time
But solvent should be changed to hexane heptane or tolueen for this


Phosphoric acid isn’t an easy one to yield high potency d8/d9 material imo. There are some side reactions in my experience. It’s more convenient for when you don’t want to use anything but fairly food safe material and still get to like 70% pure thc.

I would recommend also trying potassium carbamate instead of sodium bicarbonate for quenching in this kind of small scale reaction. Wash excessively and then repeat with regular water. Davidb and I discussed his washing method a little bit. He always recommended 9 washes if I remember right. 3x base, 3x salt, 3x water or something like that


Thanks, I’ll try to increase the wash process.