Emptying carts

Don’t they both sell gram jars as well? Why the insistence on buying carts? Seems like your buying a cart and an extra150-200 ml just to throw them away in order to get shorted on the grams you want that already come in the containers you want… you can usually fit a couple grams in those little jars which would save on transfer loss…

I’m basically confused why anyone would consider that the best option. Maybe you know something I dont?


That’s been my thoughts the whole time lol. Why waste the $$$ and time to maybe get a worth while amount, while sacrificing terpenes and THC % too.

Be better off buying a small jar of concentrates, vac sealing it and disguising in a makeup container or something idk

Mail it lol

How many carts can you mail internationally? If people have done it before and success rate is high will do that instead

Only enjoy vaping

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I dont encourage breaking laws .
But a priorty box u could send a lot.
Or put a few in with othet items?
I had some empties sent from china and customs opened the box. So i would not just have a box filled with pnly carts. Be creative if thTs whT u do. Vacuum pack carts and mix with other items hypothetically lol

Perhaps re-examine at your definition of “vaping”?

See: ineedhemp.com and/or fuckcombustion.com

Where on earth are you that you have come to believe the pinnacle of cannabis concentrates is “jetty in a cart”?

Carts ARE convenient, I get that. but in this case they seem counter to your goal.

You ARE planning on filling carts FROM a jar. Why do you think that jar needs to be filled FROM carts?!?

My guess is that 1000’s of folks have learned to make carts from reading up on it around here…

nah man, Jetty carts are so good, you gotta fill them twice…

Maybe: Rosin Fractioning / Rosin Carts will get you on your way


Why don’t you buy some cheap distillate that’s not in a cart, and some nice terps on the side to re blend to your liking when you get home?

Edit: fuck around and make some carts better than those your looking for.


I assume you already have carts but incase you dont, just buy distillate. otherwise, you could break a hole into them an use an ethanol wash to extract them. Actually that might be more sneaky, because then you can just put it in a Vodka bottle or something and then distill in a pyrex dish when you get home. But I dont know if metals from the carts would leach into the ethanol but I doubt it from an overnight wash.

I think carts are banned in his country and importing them is hard from what he told me.

I asked him what kind of carts are banned, etc. and waiting for his response as his best bet is buying everything separately and mixing himself instead of emptying them.

Etoh turns my disty dark red when extracting it out of carts

I heard a simple water wash could fix this ,it may be time to get a new smaller sep funnell or use @cyclopath corner bag trick

That red mayb ph thing. Iv had a similar issue in the past
I never did figure out how to correct it. Im sure someone here knows how??

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So is ph7 water wash just putting disty + pH water into the sepertory funnel and shske. Once seperated discard water layer

Do I suspend the disty in a solvent?

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suspend it in heptane


Is there a way to correct ph in the alchohol prior? So the wash isnt needed. Lol have to ask
Iv seen sands to filter with with different ph ratings ? Not sure of purpose of those or proper use?

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Heptane is less reactive if at all. Alcohols, ethanol included, are reactive. Ethanol is also a weak acid. Chemistry happening with ethanol may not be possible with heptane. You don’t really change and read the pH of organic solvents that don’t have water, its called apparent pH and is calculated.

Filter “sands” or more appropriately, clays, are reared or washed with acid or base to change the way it interacts with the thing being bleached. This could remove ions or change the surface charge of the inorganic compounds in the clay.

Does the PH change indicate chemical activity has occurred aka produced potetional toxins in the reclaim, if not I wouldnt worry about color correcting reclaim from carts.