EHO Color Remediation

Best filtering solution for me? - processing 1liter of raw THC crude/1:10

When first getting in to this, all i really knew of was buchners, I see so many diffrent filtering setups from you guys both bought and DIY, my head is spinning circles understanding the diffrent setups and what i would need for my use of possible 1L crude pr run/pr week of dark Kief crude.

I would prefer not to deal with nitrogen assist so forth.

Possible a negative pressure setup would be the easiest for me to go? i can then use my Rotary pump, instead of looking on a new pump also - tho i need a pump anyway down the line i guess

Something like your setup/formula @Renchi The Pepsi challenge/etho color remediation thread

I had in no way thought the filter aspect would be so expensive, but thats because i only knew of buchners really and saw that as my solution, have not looked at it for a while and now started to look into all these other solutions and gasp, another huge subject to attack.

When not processing more/pr week, and looking at expenses at this point in time, where funds is tight as ever. Would standard buchners be my best solutions?

This looks neet also, McMaster-Carr, with the filter bags utilized here how does stacking filter agents work, is my volume to small to even think of this one, when not processing many gallons of Etoh after extraction.