Hi guys, I just read a lot of topics here regarding T5/T41 etc.
Up until now I have been isomerizing crude oil with 98% H2SO4 and then used SPD to get the THC out.
Now I have a batch of 99% pure CBD crystals lying around and was wondering if using my old method - refluxing it in petrol ether with sulfuric acid - or going for the clay route is more efficient.
And does anyone know if it’s possible to activate aluminum silicate (which I would have lying around) using H2SO4 or making a T41 clone at home using activated Charcoal, H2SO4 and Bentonite, since I read somewhere in here that T41 is activated using sulphuric acid…
You did not isomerize to thc delta 9
Maybe to thc delta 8
But what do you want to do with the cbd crystals ??
Isomerize to 8 or 9 ?
I don’t have a preference for one or the other when it comes to isomerizing, but delta 9 would be nice to have I reckon. Until now I did not have the luxury to decide what I want to convert, since the crude oil had both thc 8 and 9 in it and I just used SPD to separate them later on. I bought the CBD crystals purely to test how much of both I can isomerize with H2SO4, but the method using clay directly in my SPD setup seems so much more efficient and clean… The thing is, getting T5 or T41 in Europe seems a little difficult/expensive, so making some myself should be the only solution…
Ok isomerizing isolate will give less results than isomerizing crude oil
Isomerizing cbd can be done with several powders in the flask
Activated carbon
Tyco d1 sulfuric acid activated bentonite
Citric acid
All of the above will result in a isomerization of cbd to thc delta 8
When using isollate as starting material of around 70%
To isomerize to delta 9 is a whole diffrent ball game where a certain amount of chemistry is neccesary
As I understand isomerizing with Bentonite would yield both 8 and 9 [CBD and CBG conversion to Delta 8 and 9 - #2 by Kingofthekush420], or have I misunderstood something there? So basically using acid leeched bentonite (which I would have to make myself) would pretty much yield the same amount as using H2SO4, just with a lot less hassle?
The best yieldimg method is achtivated carbon
No you will not have any thc9 isomerization
AS luck would have it, I have that lying around too! Thanks for the quick reply, gonna try that tomorrow then. Any idea how much activated charcoal one should use? 5%?
Yes. 5% is good if you have the means to reflux that will iimprove the results
Also a bit of glass wool in the head will avoid getring any A-C in the receiving flask
I haven’t heard of AC converting cbd to Δ8, but I may just be blind
Do you need a specific kind of chemically treated AC?
Well some are recomended
The ones from the chemical shops
Like sigma aldeich and the likes
I think the “Activated” implies acid treatment. Sometimes but not always means heat treatment also.
@Roguelab do you kno, why do you get less results from isolate vs cbd distillate?
Activated implies chemical or with steam treatment. I found a site a while back that went deep into the intricacies of AC characteristics and production, I will try to dig it up
@Mota welcome, brave to play with pet ether
Petroleum ether isnt the truly scary one, diethyl ether is.
No i don t but several of the wise wizards have similar results
Did anyone test the difference between steam and acid activated carbon?
Kinda new here and couldn’t find a direct message option…are you available for a consultation?
If anyone knows the CBD the THC delta 9 conversion efficiently, I am very interested to negotiate consultation.
I can help with this, if just to Δ8
Took a while to get the mixture right, but I made my own version of T41… Results are more than satisfying, I just need to further optimize temp settings. But a 92% conversion rate is not too bad, 52% d9… I don’t get where you got your 70% conversion rate from or that d9 conversion wasn’t going to happen.
Do you mean that you prepared your own acidified clay/bentonite ?
I think roguelab refers to the maximimum 70% d8 you would get if you push that reaction to its limits.
If you raise de temperature in your process, you should see cbd diseapearing completely (but more d8, kess d9). It can happend in less than 30 minutes.