Hi there, it’s awesome you’re teaching this in a class on extraction. Would love to contribute some helpful knowledge.
I have been exploring “dry sift rosin” for months now, something to know is you’ll never get perfectly clear/white rosin but I’m getting very close with dry sift, much closer than this post and i usually snag a 15-25% return (entirely strain dependent) only spending a mere fraction of the time and energy vs ffwh that’s fd.
I’ll share the absolute fastest and cheapest way to setup an effective sift screen for small scale.
Order a 220um “bubble bag” for a 5
gallon bucket and a 5 gallon bucket.
Bag: Amazon.ca
Bucket: Amazon.ca
Cut the mesh off of the bottom of the bubble bag, leave the stitching around the edge of the mesh intact.
Cut the bottom off of your bucket, then cut a 4" ring out of the bucket.
Tape or attach (in any way) the screen to the bottom of the ring (it’ll make for a perfect fit as the bags are made to fit the diameter of a 5 gallon bucket… satisfying).
Boom, you now have effectively one of the cheapest sift basket possible for a small scale demonstration.
If you’re using trichome rich material, the process is extremely simple, i have some tips.
You want very dry cannabis, if the trichomes aren’t falling off from simply looking at the flower… it isn’t dry enough. I use a dehydrator set on 70°c to dry the flower fast. Don’t bother with dry ice.
Once you have dry flower, take your dried flower and toss it into a osterizer(blender). Do not blend to a powder! The further you powder it, the darker it gets. Blend only enough to crumble the flower fully. Chunky enough that it’d be unfavorable for rolling. It’s moreso the whirling and swirling that will break the flower up than it is the chopping and slicing… aggressive way to knock trichomes off but super duper effective…the oster i used had blunt instead of sharp blades… this technique is amazing, less damage than tumbling or using dry ice!
(Blender Note: Before anyone chimes in with the “bUt tHe CoNtAmiNaTioN fROm pLanT mAteRiAl”. Know that i don’t care to hear it, reference my results before casting judgment).
Dump sift from oster into the 220um sift basket, shake it.
Collect it.
Fill 25um press bags.
Squish it.
Fresh Press Results:
Future #1
Mango Kush
Purple Bertha