Don't You Want to Smoke Bieber Weed?

Thank you mods :pray: :innocent: :octopus:

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Why? Itā€™s news just like Bernerā€™s nonsense.

The money guys are already going to eat the passionate ones alive manā€¦

Or weed guys that become money hungry will.

This is the sign of the future, weed will be another cheap commodity, like potato chips or any other stocked good, some will make it due to quality, some brand recognition, some between them and the homies.

But if rappers are on potato chips donā€™t be shocked when you get goofy endorsements, Erkle has weed guysā€¦:rofl:


I enjoy ā€œRap Snacksā€ potato chips at my local Shell Station.

Who are you to dictate how someone makes their living with effective marketingā€™?


Iā€™m not judging, some marketing and branding is fantastic, donā€™t assume Iā€™m not a consumer whore.

But as it becomes more ubiquitous, things like this are going to be more common, Iā€™m pretty agnostic about this.

Kind of one of those ā€œisā€ things that isnā€™t bad or good.

Beiber, Erkle, Berner, whoever arenā€™t bad things either.

Just like the hippy doing wacky pheno hunts and the things that generally arenā€™t ā€œprofitableā€ arenā€™t bad.

Itā€™s a weird market, I dunno how to feel about things at any given time.

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Because I consume conspicuous marketing, that makes me a ā€œconsumer whoreā€?

You assume people are gullible without personal choice. I could also accuse you of racism because of peopleā€™s demographic market preferences.

@agtonik was a media/marketing powerhouse before weed had better margin.


Iā€™m trying to unpack how me claiming Iā€™m a consumer whore somehow means you are.

Rap snacks are really dope though.

And Iā€™m lost on how you drew the line to racism. I donā€™t frankly know how to approach that mental gymnastics, and I left my spandex at home.

And weā€™re human, weā€™re pretty gullible. Our brains still operate on some pretty basic things that determine whether or not we enjoy something, or choose something, thatā€™s really the magic of marketing. Also why they hire neuroscientists to assist in ways to appeal and get more eye movement and response to whatever marketing devices theyā€™re using.

We have free will and choice absolutely, but thereā€™s ways to persuadeā€¦

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Having Biebers name, or whoever with pop culture status will certainly appeal, and inevitably cannabis wins, itā€™s marketing and sales, and who knows innovation comes from things like that. Iā€™m not a total sour puss.

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I have no beef with you and enjoy your posts.

If you assume peopleā€™s consumption patterns, itā€™s not hard to extrapolate. A slippery slope and you are racist, misogynist, and against people living their ultimate free will that the United States was designed to uphold and defend.

I speak freely, assemble and worship as I please, defend my person and property, avoid illegal search and seizure and donā€™t let the government occupy my home.


Iā€™m always on the side of ā€œfk you freedomā€ no matter race or creed, and I want to see more diverse markets! Take care of your people, breed culture, and by golly freedom.

Whatever brands the big guys come up with, the little guys will be able to buy the cuts, and the mylar bags to run around them in the traditional market. You should be able to make it one way or another


Also to add onto this, thereā€™s people who have exploited that FOR sure. Think about a lot of the marketing that comes from a lot of white corporate owned businesses that influence black culture for example.

I was basing my principles off of physiology and the principles of beauty. What makes things ā€œbeautifulā€ to us are basic principles our brain interprets to make things appeal to us.

This is a solid sum up of the gist of what I am saying.

Iā€™m a belieber in this @Patsykilledtony itā€™s tradition.


My wife has him on speed dial for a referral for when Iā€™m in a pinch.


I have seen him give some sound advice round these here parts. Sounds like he does Godā€™s work in hells kitchen.


I think Bieber should have his wife market his new prerolls. Naked!

And for the ladies. I think Bieber should post naked blazing his prerolls too.

I like Justin Bieber. Especially after the carpool karaoke. He could be worse.


Rhymes with schmontel huh?

And oh yeah, thatā€™s fine and all. But I do it and " I need to stop" and ā€œnobody wants to see thatā€.

Sat on those prerolls for ages, I worked really hard on the lighting on my testes. Only one old lady seemed to appreciateā€™em.

Smokedā€™em all in one puff, she was talented

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Yeah I wonā€™t be surprised when the feds legalize it after billionaires endorse it butā€¦ at the same time. ā€¦ As long as the people can grow it for themselves I think everyone will be happy. Once the home grow privileges start getting revoked thatā€™s when people should truly worry.

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Is that like doing Satanā€™s work in Godā€™s bathroom?
Asking for a friendā€¦