Don’t put extract on your stove

A little tough love never hurt anyone. This shit can kill yah. If people are to sensitive to the way you spoke to them about something that can kill them, then they’re clearly missing the message.


Keyword there is closed loops. I cant even with you. Your going to be a on 5 o clock news. Lmk what city your in so i can google it with explosion in the google news area


No lets hear it!

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Ok so it went down like this…don don don
I was finishing a long distillation and it was late at night. I had just weighed and bottled the product and began to clean the lab.I started breaking the apparatus down to solvent wash before soaking, when I came up with the bright idea that some warm solvent in a wash bottle was just the ticket to get out of there and sleep for what was rest of the night. Admittingly… and I am not proud to say this, It was a practice that I had imbibed upon a few occasions…Cough …The acetone we were using prior for washing was a cheaper grade usually… Only this time the supplier had changed and the acetone was significantly more pure than the washing solvent I had used in the past for in this exact procedure.

So You all can probably guess what happened next? Yep, that bottle of acetone went in the ol’ microwave! So with the top of the wash bottle removed filled 1/3 of the way I put her in for 3 min, much longer than I expected to boil, but hey… Id watch it and stop it when it boiled right? I walked over to the lab bench for a second just to check on something, then came right back to the wash bottle to see it it it was boiling. It should have been boiling by then, that confused me. As I approached the microwave sort of perplexed to the reason it has not shown any boiling the microwave exploded.I was sprayed with acetone vapor and liquid, and the door hit me. I stood in awe. When It took me a few minuets to connect the dots as to why this has happened. Luckily nothing was ignited, I probably would have been burned to shit by that. What had happened was the purer grade of solvent became super heated, then boiled instantly. The evolving vapor popped a perfect bubble in the side of the wash bottle right at the liquid level in the bottle, it didn’t distort the bottle in the slightest at the top. The microwave looked like the hulk grabbed the top and bottom and ripped them apart, then threw the door. The fact that super boiling can cause that sort of expansion is incredible
Lesson of the day kids, don’t microwave solvents, probably something I wouldn’t ever have to warn you about because only irrational people perform behavior like that…


Holy. Fuckin. Shit.
Im glad you got out of that without any serious injury.
That is indeed the lesson of the day.
I got cold chills because i can totally picture this scene by scene.


lol, yep…dumbass
edit: some one get a Red Foreman meme in here!


you shouldve mounted that microwave door(like a trophy,aka reminder)

…mofo probably saved ur life and eyes


We had those big bull dozer batteries that are 24v crossed over blow up on us one day bc the guy fixing the starter did it wrong. Starter locked down

Was awful. Thank god I new to get baking soda almost blinded my pops


After the microwave it was fucked, the was no where for me to heat my food for lunch, I resulted to all kinds of weird lab equipment for my kitchen. My fave was stir plate sandwich, or was it mantled cheese…hmm. basically a grilled cheese made in a tinfoil packet on a stir plate.


I mean mounted as reminder it saved ur life possibly lol. :green_heart::facepunch: blast protection


Oh yeah, that thing is long gone. but rip little buddy you were so good to me.




there u go…zappy…saved my eyes and maybe my head

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I swear after u told me this a year or 2 ago I was microwaving straight PG and shhhhh something else. And the microwave started flashing like crazy.

Needless to say if I wanna heat up plain PG I stick a cup water in there w it to take the waves lol

Like dont run empty microwave kinda thing is real


Closed loops are still capable of leaking solvent if not maintained and set up properly. People with the grade of forethought that OP has shouldn’t be extracting with either open or closed loop hydrocarbon rigs.

In my experience, sometimes it’s the instruments and methods that are safer that give people a false sense of security and they let their guard down. For example: I’ve seen a ton of people do dumb and dangerous shit with dry ice, I almost never see dumb shit done with LN2 and it’s usually because it’s dangerous enough that people tend not to joke around.

For all the 98% of people who use a closed loop properly, you meet the 2% ripping butts and blunts while running a closed loop using the “it’s a closed loop duh” mindset

@DaveTheCave530 seeing other people do something stupid successfully doesn’t make it any less stupid. I’ve watched people lose fingers just after saying “I’ve done it this way for years”.

These threads are what make me debate with myself the argument that it’s a free nation and all people should be able to buy hydrocarbon rigs against the idea that retailers should probably verify a valid license before selling equipment.


You can’t stop stupidity money doesn’t pay for intelligence it’s just like when you go into a motorcycle dealership and have no experience riding purchase a $30,000 motorcycle and then crash it in the parking lot. You also can’t teach common sense it’s sad but it has to be learned almost always the hard way

Water is Wet

The same can be said for automobiles, Guns, Saws and a million other items that we can all purchase over the counter that can be deadly if not taken the proper precautions.

I will say this…i cant count how many time i refused to sell someone an extractor based on the basic questions they were asking. If you come to me asking stupid ass shit and expect me to sell you an extractor. Your dead wrong. The good part of being the customer service for my company is that when i hear super basic questions; i know you didnt spend the least bit of time properly researching and your not the type of customer im typically looking for.

I really hope most companies operate like this.


Exactly, the American in me doesn’t think you should need a license to purchase this equipment but my only concern is for the safety of anyone innocent injured or killed as collateral to one of these guys causing a dangerous situation. If someone wants to let darwinism take them out then so be it, but the neighbors living around them or any possible children involved…tough one. I guess to be somewhat fair, you don’t need a license to buy a car but you do need one to drive it. Guns on the other hand…where I live you need a safety course for LTC, the police chief decides whether you get one, and you have to have 3 non-family members write a letter to the chief stating that they know you’re not insane or depressed which was a huge change for me coming from VT where you just need to be 18 with no felonies (no waiting period, no registration, no permit for conceal carry) and yet Boston still has gun crime and Vermont has next to none…go figure…

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So basically y’all don’t have “wet” pours? I’m talking about making squared up parchments and dumping your run? I might of forgot to add that about the Washington closed loop. I know what your saying about closed minded people, thinking they are safe around closed loop when in reality the dangers of metal not capable of withstanding the pressures are a sure way to die. I’m not one of those people. I believe if the dots don’t seem to connect in front of you then you don’t have what it takes to progress in your career. * I understand the hypocrisy in the last two lines.

*double check lines, pressure test, ensure all safety protocols are met and then follow SOP.