Does anyone use a cold finger to purify their rosin?

Anyone here use a cold finger to purify their rosin? I’m not doing cold finger purifications or rosin extractions, I’m just asking a question.


to induce crystallization?

Does anyone use a hair straightener to drive their car as well?


Hmmm. I definitely don’t do this. Why would you need a device used for removing gas vapors and capturing them for this?

I have seen people use coils from cold fingers retrofitted into water chillers (although I feel like an actual chiller would probably be more efficient…)

I have seen people use elaborate setups with vacuum pumps going to their freeze dryers where they also have cold traps and cold fingers for this.

You’ve got me scratching my head wondering what you are trying to “purify” from your rosin. Making things super cold… doesn’t purify things. I don’t know anyone doing winterization or anything like that on their rosin.

I don’t think I’ve seen anyone do that even on bubble hash. Seems like after you have gotten to rosin… anything else would then no longer be rosin. It could be derived from rosin I suppose… you want to make some rosin THCa diamonds?

What would someone want to remove from this - what would be getting purified?

I can think of many reasons to make things cold - but I don’t think I would need it to get down to like -80C for most of those things. And my cold fingers are all fucking cold, not just kind of cold. -shrug-

I like @Dukejohnson statement - I suppose you could use just about anything to do just about anything. I’ve definitely seen people hammer screws for instance. Doesn’t mean you should. :stuck_out_tongue:


I would have to walk away from that one or end up seriously offending a person with a hammer :joy:


Theres always opening for the 2x4 stretcher, might have found one here


You gonna give us any more clue where you were trying to go with this?!?


Going off of an instructional video where a guy says the cold finger purifies his caffeine concentrate I was thinking maybe it would be possible to cold finger rosin and rip the terps into a cold trap and then keep the “purified,” rosin.

I know adding any solvent would make it not rosin anymore but it seems like by the answers it seems like cold finger and rosin haven’t met yet.

Still not seeing anything approaching “how would this work”

Maybe linking your inspiration?

Why would cold help? Without first adding heat?

You could distill the terpenes off of the rosin and condense them with a cold finger?


I’m a fucking idiot. It would just make more sense to make disty and capture the terps.

People use cold fingers to distill terps from HTE don’t they? I don’t see why you couldn’t do the same for rosin terps


One does not have to distill the cannabinoids to distill the terpenes.

They also use heat and vacuum.

Just throwing a cold finger at the problem does nothing


So the same as spinning it out in a fuge and leaving the THCA behind?

I don’t see why you wouldn’t just spin it out in a fuge…and leave the thca behind on the screen. You’d have to heat the rosin up in the first place to get to it so you’re already sort of fucking up nice terps. Better off spinning them.


Does anyone do terp strips with co2 and then try to make rosin from the same material?

No they don’t


Im out of the loop here, why would someone want to “purify” rosin by removing terps? I thought the main advantage of rosin is the unique flavor profiles you get from it. Unless the point here is to remove terps for vapes and then use the de-terped rosin for rosin edibles.

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The only point I’d think is for preservation of VOC’s that you’d like to reconstitute at time of formulation for vapes. And allow for a vessel you can decarb under neutral atmosphere by flooding argon to remove all traces of o2 therefore avoiding oxidation & preserving the color of the decarbing oil.

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Decarbing the less volatile fraction of rosin sounds like a terrible idea to me. Even if you flood with argon and decarb low & slow I feel like those fats are gonna get funky tasting at 100c. If I wanted to make a rosin vape I’d just mix rosin or rosin terps with decarbed diamonds.

I guess the point of that was missed, you remove the VOC’s under low and slow distillation with cold finger to capture them at super low temps. The. You go in for the decarb of rosin that’s now able to be flooded. You should end up with an oil that’s got good clarity and hints of its profile and then reformulate with the vocs and terps you pulled.