Diy rosin press

So, I’m looking into getting a rosin press. At this point I either upgrade the cls, or look into other ways to process my grows. My little op is putting out about a # a month and I figure I can do half of it in my cls, and the other half I’ll squish.

So, that being said, what would the rosin boys suggest here? I think I want to get non caged plates, since you can’t do bottletek or whatever it’s called with em.

For processing up to a 1/2# at a time, what size of plates do I need? I don’t mind doing multiple bags, but is a 3x5 plate set too small?

Also, for the press itself, I’m looking to get a benchtop one with a gauge. Is that worth it, or do I just get any ol press? I figured I’d want one with a gauge so I can dial in things once I get some practice.

Anyway, I appreciate the input as always!


Ho-kay! I may be able to help here!

So with bottletek you run into one bottle…neck rimshot - lack of being able to accurately gauge your pressure for further replication which can potentially screw you as tightness of your pre-pressed nug, volume and whatnot can influence how MUCH of a handle press you would be doing so that wouldn’t be very accurate to go by either. It would really be a shame to have a banger of a fucking harvest just for inaccurate pressure to render it rather dark, you know? I would figure that since you were into solvent based processing before solventless processing numbers are rather important to you to make sure you get the same badass results every time. Now you totally can do bottle tek with caged plates, as the low temp plates all in one frame is able to do bottle tek right off the rippity rip and I believe those are considered caged (they sell the cage kit so you know…probably?). Now from what I see on the cages it helps provide even pressure which if you’re wanting to do bottle tek would be pretty helpful considering the stop-go-stop-go nature of a bottle jack and the fact that there will be a lot jostling, creating a not so even source of pressure.

I was personally going to go with the 3x5 but honestly since I already see that you’re thinking about the upgrade for your CLS so you already are the type of dude who expands when they get good with something so you’re already in my line of thought with that, the 4x7 makes sure there’s no possible upgrades you can get except the source of pressure.

To be honest, all bottle tek is, is a WAY of loading up your puck of flower or whatnot into the press, otherwise with a stronger press you would just simply be loading a pre-press, pressing a mold of whatever size you think may work (my go-to when I want to make badass stuff lately are the purepressure bags, about 15-20g 6 inches out so it’s 2x6 worth of nug with about a half inch folded back over. I feel it’s worth the repetition when pressing flower if you want top quality dabbies out of it).

I feel as though that the Low Temp Plates v2 model like I have is the way to go imo big time since - 1. BADASS warranty. They ain’t gonna give you shit parts with that bad boy. 2. It’s fucking naked. There is no hiding anywhere in this press, I simply do not trust presses that have to hide their guts with fucking sheet metal. What are you doing? Protecting users from the electronics and making it so only rosin gets in there and shorts shit out? If you think people are so stupid that you have to make a sheet metal case why the fuck are they using a press in the first place? 3. Lack of stupid parts. I remember using a PurePressure pike’s peak, which is cool and all but dude so many things could fail on it. The keypad was garbooooo, big time. The whole right side didn’t work so 130, 160 and 190 were all FUBAR - I like to press hash at 160 and sticky ass bud at 190 so right off the bat fuck that. The low temp heat controller is a dial and a few buttons - ezpz.

Low Temp Plates v2 high profile if you decide to stick with a bottle jack, v2 LOW profile (big difference) if you intend on going hydraulic which I totally think you should as it’s easier to gauge your pressure and replicate results. Go with the hand pump at first and if you’re super into it, the next possible upgrade would be one of these bad boys

Long story short, pre built press, DIY press, low temp plates would be my go-to. I’ve seen this company since their inception awhile ago in town and holy shit they fucking rule. Least bullshit i’ve had to deal with from a company in this goddamn industry.


Don’t they have a cheap 20 ton press at harbor freight?

I’ve seen guys use those with some fab work and the right hot plates attached and you’ve got a beast.

I’ve only made rosin once with a friend way back in the day so my knowledge is limited but I love the diy method


I was gonna dm you these questions, but I figured it would be good info for anyone looking into it lol.

So, for the press itself, I’ll probably go with a 10ton benchtop pneumatic press with a gauge. If I’m gonna do it, I want to be able to record my processes as best as I can, and I know a bottle jack will just give me boof because I always overdo things and would just squeeze things too much.

Something like this one? It’s a 10 ton, which I think should be enough for a 4x7 right?

For the plates, tbh, I am not opposed to getting a cage at all, I just read some guys like bottletek so I thought I’d keep my options open.

I’ve learned with building my cls it’s better, and cheaper, to do things right the first time instead of buying the cheap options three times over. So while I don’t wanna just throw money away blindly, I will absolutely spend the cash to get something that’s quality.


Another ideas is to just boof straight flower…


Are you planning to press flower or hash? Hash is a huge difference in quality but the prep sucks

I’ve got a 3x5 set of caged low temp plates, I’m gonna pair it with a benchtop press like you’ve got, but I need to get new heating elements/thermistor/controller. LowTemp has them, but they want ~250 for 100 bucks in parts and they won’t tell me the cartridge heater size


Oh totally, the biggest thing is the pressure gauge and expandability and that seems like it would fit the bill for what you need by far. Honestly you can get by with only like 3k pressure to the plates and be fine


Blast warm or semi cold and whip the shit out of it - just as many fats and waxes as squishing flower :joy:


that press would definitely work. harbor freight has them pretty cheap. guage is definitely necessary for respectability but I’d get longer plates if you can. The cages aren’t bad I’ve done my best work with a lowtemp press

long skinny bags are best. the wider you go the more heat you have to expose the extract to for it to get out of the bag. my favorite are the 1.5"x9" 160 micron for bud or 36 micron for kief/hash


have you ever made rosin or bho?

Uh ya…


nice! then you know 80%+ thc and 5-10% terps is easily achievable with rosin


You know that “isolate” and separating the terps is achievable with rosin? You knob.

I don’t see what the rosin vs. Solvent based dick measuring contest is about. I suspect hurt feelings over people getting results on an 800 dollar setup and 20 dollar heat mat which is kinda more likely because all the rosin dudes i know can grow like motherfuckers too. Just sayin’


what? lol i think you’re trying to insult me but idk why or what you’re trying to say.

@SubstituteCreature yea idk why people talk so much shit about rosin. It’s just not as pretty as bho diamonds i guess :man_shrugging:


The only way rosin gets close to quality bho is washed and freeze dried.


If you grow dogshit maybe. Try harder.

I agree with that, but also I’m not talking shit on solvent based extracts in threads about that either. What it comes down to (to me) is unless you made your own extractor, made the tek from scratch and grew the weed the ego ain’t worth shit cuz at some point he’s piggybacking off of like 3 people’s work before he does some ready made instructions. We can all respect each other’s work. If someone can’t, unless they’re a bona fide scientist they can suck it.


yea hash rosin is pretty good but flower rosin is best imo if done right


Lol ok… gotta love vaporizing those plant fats and waxes


Low temp plates 5 x 7.
10 ton press (20 if its not that much more)
Chemex paper filter.
200 micron SS sheet.
4 x 5 prepress plate mold.
I recommend upgrading ur pressure pump (hand pump sytle is fine), usually what comes with ur press are absolute shit and leak.
If pressing volume,
Prepress 1 oz of flower, fold it in chemex filter paper. Stack those with a weight or else they would unfold.
Once ready to press wrap the paper wrapped brick in ur SS sheet. (Only 3 sheets are necessary, to keep them swapped out) one to cool, one to press and one to prep the next brick.

Once u press everything store spent brinks in a home depot bucket, good for infused butter/edibles and also good for bbq fire starters/smoke flavoring haha