DIY Regalia Formulation for IPM

I was surprised to see how simple the formulation is on Marrone Bio Innovations Regalia as a biostimulant and for IPM. It is typically used at 30-60ml/gallon. Woah, that’s crazy. That’s worthy of a DIY formulation.

  • Load your soxhlet up with washed and chopped roots of Giant Knotweed (reynoutria sachalinensis) and ethanol. I believe Japanese Knotweed has the same effect, but lesser than the active ingredient in the original formulation. Run for 8 hours. Load into rotary evap and recover all solvent.

  • Alternately, a long soak and full evaporation will work depending on equipment and solvent needs on hand. There is potential to make a veg formula using growing plant tips as well.

  • It is mixed 50/50 with RO water and 12.5 grams/L citric acid is used as a stabilizer. This is a 10x concentrate, so it is used at 3-6ml/gallon foliar or drench.

Enjoy using DIY Regalia for pennies on the dollar.


I’m jumping on this…


So all of the knotweed spp. have SAR/biostimulant activitity upon further reading.

A quick check on ebay shows knotweed dried roots and 10:1 RTU powder.


Just curious as I don’t use regalia. Are y’all primarily using it for pm?

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Holy shit that’s sweet!!!

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It is the only thing that beats back my pm. I suspect I have a particularly aggressive strain, looks more wispy than powdery.


How long for the long soak? And does the temperature of the solvent matter? The regalia product bottle looks nearly lightproof, so I would assume sunlight degrades the stuff.

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I’m not looking to hijack this thread, but that plant is trying to tell you something with with the purple stripes on the stem. Supplement with a calcium product that doesn’t contain nitrogen. Cal acetate would be best, but cal chloride would also work. I bet both the pm and purpling improves.


From what I read, althought it can be a sign of stress, some varieties just have purple stems. I tossed that bruce banner plant, idk if the purple is stress from the pm or not. That bb cut is a weak sister in every way, but my strongest grower is a strawberry banana that also displays the purple stem. Other plants in the same hydro system have green stems, and everything looks fine.

To bring this somewhat back on topic, the purple could come from the pm, and I also suspect that pm has systemic properties as well. From what I understand, it is only supposed to be on the surface, but it does not matter what a clone gets dipped or washed in, when I give cuts to people they invariably get pm in those plants. Regalias mode of action is systemic, maybe it works because pm really is too.


@AgTonik would using this cause a Sar response and affect the flower?


Research shows that knotweed extract elicits a SAR response (pathogen defense) as well an ISR response (insect defense). That is why I asked what it was being used for earlier in the thread.

Typically SAR reduces trichome density and ISR increases trichome density. I noticed an increase in trichome density using regalia, so I would assume the ISR response is more pronounced.


Do you realize that I’ve tried to help you with your issue multiple times, giving you straight facts and you reply with conjecture?

PM is not systemic, no strain of it is. You think it is because you have a recurring problem. You have a recurring problem because spores can be viable for several years and completely cover your entire grow space. Then you do nothing to correct the nutritional issues that make your plants susceptible to it.


Were you the one claiming that gh nutes, the most common and widely used in the world, cause pm? And that you personally could fix anyones pm problem with your custom nutrient scheme? That is some story. If you got someone to pay you money for that hustle, good for you. But leave me out of it.


No, the way you elect to use gh nutes makes your plants susceptible to pm as well as other problems. I literally have a degree in this…

I’m not trying to sell you a darn thing. Reduce your p, up your ca and k. Do it with whatever products you want.


Someone else sells the cure. You have the wrong guy
Edit. @Drzoffer is who you are thinking of with his special line of ipm/feed


Dude, @emdub27 drops facts all day.

You are stupid to argue with him. Dude knows his shit. Use it to your advantage.


I use a gram/5 gallons of calcium acetate with purple stems. It raises the ppm about 50. The 3500k+660nm LED fixtures with UV still get purple stems where the light hits them.


About the idea that there is a magical fix to powdery mildew by some secret nutrient mix? If that were true, then no one would have powdery mildew. Everyone would just buy the magic nutes and the pm organism would go extinct.

I have never had powdery mildew. Even on my outdoor…

You need to make some adjustments, whether that’s environmental or nutrition wise, I’m not sure…


But the rest of the world does…I guess everyone else on earth is just too stupid to comprehend your genius. Sad, isn’t it?