DIY Closed Loop Extractor

Poop soup tubes


Lmao. Poop soup indeed

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Thanks for the insight all! Glad to have this thread flourishing. Great information and resources all around!

I had heard some of this insight on the tri clamps and brass nuts. It goes against how I feel on tightening things up, but always a learning curve! Eventually I’d like to get a torque wrench, because consistency is a wonderful value. I did loosen the clamps a bit and tried playing with slight pressure to get better idea on gasket seals.

Excellent resources for finding some fittings. Will find some to pick up in the near future.

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I found pieces to make an adapter to hook my car pump up to pressure test my unit at fastenal. Dunno if you have one where you are but they have all kinda of adapters and fittings and stuff

And to those who were here when I was assembling my system, I made it through alive :joy: lol. Dry ice got delayed a day by a storm closing the only bridge to the island so by Thursday I had plenty of confidence in my ability to hold pressure. Ran 3 runs I poured (and scraped a bit of one) off and have in my vac chamber as we speak (tomorow be day 4, I aim for 100 hour usually), will post up a few Pic when it comes out. Than Friday I still had probly 5kg of dry ice left when I checked on the deck so I did another run and since chamber was full decided to try my hand at diamond, having mixed results but @Curious_Roberto is helping me through…

Thanks to all who helped get me going!


Currently I only retrofitted the top with a 4 way t and made an injection port with a prv, a nitrogen out-take port with a prv and a gauge with a prv and I put a prv on my gauge on my collection bases lid. I’m using Buna-N mesh filters. I plan to switch to stainless filters and filter papers at some point.

I have to get working on making recovery happen straight from the collection pot, currently I just dump my filtered mixture into my roto from the base.


Ran my first go today, all was well but the end threw me for a loop. Distilled roughly 1500 mL of butane solvent into my 1/4 system. Pressures didn’t seem to be going higher so I figured it was a good time to put the collection pot in a warm water bath. There was noticeable liquid butane in the recovery pot, but after some time eventually a successful distillation occurred, no liquid butane and nasty mystery oil in collection pot. Pressure was up on the recovery pot, confirming butane in the recovery pot. With my distilled solvent and cleaned collection pot, I connected the material column and prepared for a material wash, put the solvent in warm water bath and put collection pot on dry ice, solvent about the collection pot. Once some pressure built in the recovery pot, I engage the washing of the material. Saw liquid butane moving into the collection pot, but almost no ambered/yellowed coloration. Liquid butane in the bottom of the collection pot, and assuming crude oil. Put the collection pot in warm water to purge off butane back into the recovery pot, no butane left in collection pot. Broke open the collection pot to see almost zero yield, looked like mystery oil quantities in sense of yield, small. The material in the column looked unspent. At the end of the process I off gas all the systems, a minuscule amount, yet still some liquid butane in the recovery pot. I am kind of confused and just looking for insight and questions. Thanks guys

lets see your plumbing…

I can see a way of running a MkIII terp that would give you almost zero solvent through the actual biomass. don’t know if that’s what happened, but it would be the simplest explanation if it is possible with your setup.

I am running a 1/4 system from @Killa12345, added a tee for some pressure gauges. At this point I only have one PTFE hose, so I’ve had to reconnect and bleed off the air slightly with my solvent. Moving the line from the necessary ball valves at certain points. Ideally I would have more PTFE hose and a dual port on my recovery, but for now. Stumped.

presumably there is a little more to it?

connecting just these bits with a hose and adding solvent would give exactly the results you describe…

It puts the cannabis IN THE TUBE
and then connects the hose again :wink:

I was hypothesizing a route for your solvent that bi-passed the cannabis. Which is possible with a bottom flooding rig like the MkIII. I don’t know if that’s possible with your setup. if you’ve only got one line, it will take several pictures to show us what you actually did.

edit: re-reading your description, I’m wondering if you didn’t lose most of your solvent to a leak.


Those pictures are of the recovery and collection pots. The collection pot doesn’t have the material column on it, but it was on when it was ran. It’s not like some crazy step was missed :sweat_smile: The operating procedure was followed correctly, I just am not sure if I missed something.

I followed this procedure, and have read many many posts and known the thermodynamics and concepts of the system. Why I was so flabbergasted when nothing came out. Part 1: 1lb Passive Closed Loop System from Best Value Vacs - YouTube

The system was pressure tested at 60 psi for a good 48 hours, I suppose a leak could have occurred when attaching the material column.


so you’re distilling into the vessel with a single valve. then running solvent out of that into your column (not currently pictured). does that vessel have a dip tube? how are you ensuring liquid solvent => your material?

edit: plaintive cry from the cheap seats…

you’ve giving me the vapors!


folks successfully sell post extraction material as “fire” all the time…so the alternate hypothesis is definitely “you got took”.

aka: I got nothing…

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correct. tapping butane into the vessel with watch glass, using a tapper. heating to distill into the single valve vessel. I can see liquid butane in the collection pot, when its evaporated out, the pot was cleaned up. trying to attach a picture of my mystery oil, I did produce this! :rofl::upside_down_face:

This is pretty much the exact same outcome of my blast, except more honey color and less particle pollution.

Maybe I did run into a leak, I was outside blasting, and was trying to kind of be hyper aware of pressures and noises. Shit happens though.
Also it wasn’t material I purchased, it was something I know had trichomes on it, not saying it was top shelf, but it came from my own personal co-op. Some popcorn buds and shake. Figured I wasn’t balling out on nug runs to learn. Maybe I’ll get the camera more involved next run.
I appreciate your insights and knowledge @cyclopath

I’m curious if you got serious channeling with the butane through the liquid and it shot straight through.

Didn’t pack it tight enough?

What would cause this? I gave the column a nice firm pack but not overly fucking packed, excuse my lack of exact pack-ness. Also, the material column appeared not terribly spent, I am familiar with spent material. Maybe a small diameter in middle of column appeared wet/run.

Thinking I did pack it enough. At first I was like too packed!? yet that’d lead to nothing running at all.
There was noticeable liquid butane in the collection pot before recovery of either product or distilled solvent, seen with the sight glass.

column diameter and length?
amount of cannabis in the tube?

1500g solvent into the system is based on number of cans tapped?

can you define “noticable” as used here?

you could see what ALL of that looked like before distilling it into recovery vessel?
did you see anything like the same amount of liquid after washing material column?

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How fast did you open up the valve? Channeling is exactly what you are saying happened when you say

Maybe a small diameter in middle of column appeared wet/run.