DIY aspirator vacuum pump

Hey friends

Was wondering if anyone has built themselves a vacuum pump before?

I was thinking with a cheap water pump and chiller I should be able to have a nice pump that can hit -28" Mercury, while able to run round the clock. Seems like it would be ideal for my vacuum oven since I can run while I’m away from work and not worry about oil exhaust or contamination.

I noticed some smaller units on Amazon. And I suppose it’s super simple in concept. But are there any variables I need to consider? Does anyone wanna run over some basics in design?

I’ve got 3/4" hose going in. Then I should reduce it before it hits the “chamber”? How far? 1/8"? Then what size do I make the vacuum port?


I was considering playing around with one for fun. I haven’t gotten around to it yet. There is a limit to vac depth, but for a rotary evaporator or solvent recovery and maybe filtering it should work.


I tried but the pump never built up enough pressure and I gave up and bought a cheap rotary vane

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I ran a robinair 15550 iirc (red body), 2 stage, 5cfm vacuum in my 1.9cu’ oven easily for 3yrs or so. No cold trap, just changed oil after every use.

Found on eb@y for 150 or so

Pulled down -29 all day

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No bs SECONDS!!! My jaw legit dropped and I have tmj


I’ve got a few regular vacuum pumps. But my ventilation is a bit annoying, I don’t have opening windows and I don’t wanna cut holes in my wall, so don’t wanna run it while I’m not there. Lest my warehouse fill up with oil smoke mist. I was thinking a diaphragm pump might be good? But $$ still.

I figure the water would take care of the exhaust issues.

Plus… Never having to do an oil change is worth $100s per year.


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Yeah it’s a long shot, was hoping for some optimal ratios for design in a liquid system. Doesn’t seem to be a ton of DIY guides on it. Might need to start browsing engineering papers? My physics is worse than my chemistry and that’s not saying much.

Where you located? If near Denver I’ve got 3 of the USALabs water aspirators I’d part with for $250/ea

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Vancouver Canada.

I’m heading down to burning man on the 20th, so I’d be as close as Nevada? Or I’m stopping in Oregon if it makes any sense to ship it?

Which model?

Maybe I’ll start a thread to see if anyone’s heading to the burn from Denver lol. It’ll be a Christmas miracle if we can do a hand-off there

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Green buggy, only received one of the 3 vacuum pumps. Sent you a dm. Do you have tracking numbers?