I have really been loving this hemp flower extract CBD/CBG combo. It’s been amazing. Organically grown, CBG, white and organically grown CBD Lifter the flowers were ground up together and extracted creating this beautiful, full spectrum lovely plant medicine. We’ve got about 100 kg available of this beautiful Distillate. Hitting over 90% cannabinoid’s. about 50% CBD and 50% CBG with some really nice minor cannabinoid profiles, CBC, CbdV, and others. We’ve had great results and feedback, I personally have had amazing results using this.
Full spectrum CBD/CBG combo distillate
$99 per kg 50 kg to 99 kg
$133 per kg 15 kg to 49 kg
$166 per kg 7kg to 15 kg
$180 per kg 1kg to 6 kg
We also have absolute gorgeous Mothers liquor distilate this looks and behaves just like Hunny it’s tasteless and smelless and will smack your face right off your head so good
Please try to reduce your new thread count. It looks like a lot of these are for the same item. The best way to do this is make a single thread and bump it or update it via replies, and not make a new thread.
This is how this material behaves in cool weather and warm weather all day long it’s basically honey virtually smell less and tasteless but potent as fuck was doing these for $45 on 15 or more for most of July inventory is getting low so I’m going to raise them up to $65 a kilo on 15 kg or more for the rest of July starting this weekend 99 on single KG GLLCOA_G2H0142-01.pdf (300.5 KB)
This item is SOLD!!!
! $99 for both jars! Each jar is 420+ grams The one on the left is a Mothers liquor Distillate. The one on the right is CBD/CBG distilate
We are all sold out of everything except Mothers liquor and this CBD/CBG distillate blend. We will not be making it anymore this season. Basically clearing out all of any extra inventory beyond what we’re going to use for on product for the season.
Not necessarily a lab tech, probably not really that great of a salesman actually been called a shitty salesman lately, I’m just a terpy Cannabinoid head moving through space and time getting in where I fit in getting ar done
Not part of Octave’s professional team, I’m more of Octave’s pirate
Sort of taking over the ship for now whatcha needs Mate I’ll do my best to accommodate getting you some of the best hemp cannabinoid’s at the best prices you’ll most likely ever see.
Soon they’ll be gone and so will I