Distillation of dmt and mescaline?

Good ole Florida. If I had a vehicle I’d hit some cow fields, but not mobile currently

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This thread is chock full of incredibly poor information.

You are all incredibly disappointing, you can do better.


Can you elaborate please @omni

The etchant that I use to prep PTFE for chemical duty adhesive smells exactly like DMT and is incredibly, terrifyingly toxic stuff

Have him use limonene instead of naptha to pull the crude from the jugs, then have him use vinegar to salt the alkaloids out of the limonene into the polar layer. Ph back up and pull that with naptha. He should have immensely better results. Naptha is terrible to have stinking up the whole shop.

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You don’t want pachinko especially if you’re trying to extract it.
Get Peruvian ya or even better get bridgesii

You’re welcome

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Chocolate cheeses etc can cause interactions with MAIOS

There have been reports of ayahuasca deaths after people in South America used nicotiana sp in an ayahuasca enema


Wtf who’s doing ayahuasca emenas


It was in South America
I believe it was an entheogen review article
I read that article over a decade ago though

One Google search…not the article I was looking for but there it is

And yes, 100%, the mescaline enema in the next Google thing down is 100% for real I’ve had someone do the equivalent to 18”x2.5” brigesii in a 2 oz enema and was high very quick

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I’ve got some hot ass mimosa bark

27grams crystalline off 1kg holy shit


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Just read this and I’ve been trying to find out what it reminds me of and you hit it on the head smells like gmo rosin.

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Naptha was just to make sure he pulled it all with the first couple pulls…it’s definitely a dirty process but I wash it 3x w heptane after

Damn that must stink

https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jafc.1c00564#_i2 There’s likely an indole compound contributing to the aroma, Don mega seemed to carry a similar aroma .

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Funny thing is the smell of deemster makes my stomach turn and it makes me want to gag. The smell of gmo is one of my favorites of all terp profiles. Very similar smells to me but polar opposite sides of the enjoyment scale.


Yeah deemster makes me wanna gag ur right

Ever tried dmt fumarate it’s soluble in water u could toss it in shot glass fruit juice w lil extra water then just shoot it