Distillate in gummies

Hello all. I make my own medicine, and I have a spreadsheet I use to make accurate dosing. Once I see how much distillate to use, I mix the same weight of MCT oil . Stir it real good then add to the gummy slurry. I was recently talking to someone, and they say it’s better to mix everclear into the distillate and once it’s all liquid, pour it into the slurry. They said the everclear evaporates. So is this a better method. I always thought we mixed the mctoil so the THC has something to bind too. I have not noticed , but I have heard some people say that mct oil causes diarrhea. I don’t want to cause that for anyone if that is true.Well thanks in advance you amazing people. Much love

ethanol tincture, 1:1 ethanol and disty. it’ll evap out. Look into using ethanol tinctures to medicate edibles. use food safe eth


you can use any oil. but yeah, oils tend to make ya shit lol.

everclear will definitely work.

we actually just drop the distillate straight into the gummy mixture, near the end of the cooking process, and mix real well. I know everyone says it needs a “carrier oil” but we have never failed a homogeneity test and have produced over a million gummies this way.


If these are your own gummies you can make them however you’d like.

Alcohol could potentially evaporate out of solution, however those who are operating in a recreational market would need to have their products pass a test for residual solvents, and so it is easier to avoid the risk of failure by using MCT oil instead.

As for diarrhea, there is some truth there but if it breaks down to less than 1 mL/gummy it’s not much of a risk. If you were making a drink and adding 1 oz MCT then it would be more cause for concern.

Try both and see how you like it! It’s your world, we’re just living in it!


The limit for ethanol in a rec gummy here in ca is 5000 ppm. Ive never heard of anyone who uses ethanol failing due to residual solvents.


You guys are awesome. Thanks so much


That’s good to know, thank you! I did some digging and it looks like most states also have that same 5000 ppm limit as well.

In Maine’s medical market there are some companies that sell alcohol-based tinctures which wouldn’t be allowed in the rec market so most operators there opt for MCT or hempseed oil instead.

Is it required to list ethanol as an ingredient in CA if it’s used to dissolve cannabis?


I personally make calibrated solutions of THC in MCT. I prefer 20% THC w/w% so the viscosity is low enough to pippette and dose precisely. MCT oil could cause diarrhea but I’m going to assume in much higher doses; many people will eat 15-100mL at a time, even with a 100mg, that’s 500mg of oil, I would not be concerned about diarrhea.


I’ve done all of the above.

You can do the MCT oil thing, but you need to consider the consistency of the gummies. You can do Everclear, but it won’t all evaporate unless you use a vacuum pump, even at the high temperatures some trace amounts will dissolve and remain in the final product. It shouldn’t affect taste, but you could pop for alcohol in testing. The problem with this is the same as with MCT oil, you can supersaturate the solvent and then have the cannabis distillate crash out over time or if the solution gets cold in storage. You can also use a machine to mix your gummies while it is hot, for 20 minutes or so and you should have a homogenous liquid hot gummy to pour.

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Hi DrWHY420 I’ve done a 1:1 and a 2:1 mix of corn ethyl 190 proof and disti and applied a small amount to gummies. 50ul. I’m having an issue with the alcohol taste not going away. Even after 8 hours of drying with a fan on them. I’m pretty sure I’m using the right alcohol. Do you have any feedback?

Hi ohioediblesI’ve done a 1:1 and a 2:1 mix of corn ethyl 190 proof and disti and applied a small amount to gummies. 50ul. I’m having an issue with the alcohol taste not going away. Even after 8 hours of drying with a fan on them. I’m pretty sure I’m using the right alcohol. Do you have any feedback?

When you use ethanol to dose gummies, it’s better to add while the mixture is boiling to remove as much alcohol as possible. Just blowing a fan on them will not remove it all.

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Use less alcohol, try 1:2 or 1:3 and dont stop mixing until you see it is mostly cooked off. You should be able to have it be 25-30% distillate in the alcohol. I used everclear, since I knew it was for eating and drinking. There’s a difference between alcohols, even if they are food grade.

@rich, you’re applying 50ul to each (store bought) gummy?

You sure it’s the liquor you’re tasting?


I think they’re painting already made gummies with EtOH/disty


Like EHO_AZ mentioned, you want to cook off the eth. We add the tincture (stove flame turned off so we dont start a fire) then turn the heat back on, mix vigorously and watch for the bubbles to slow down. You can find some harder data online im sure for burn off rates, temps etc


Not painting, pipetting…but yeah

Scaled thusly

Who wants distillate on the outside?!?

Except maybe @Canadianbush


With a device like that, and such small volumes (I’m assuming it’d be similar to the 50uL mentioned above), do all the cannabinoids end up in a gross tasting “hotspot” on one side of the gummy? That definitely doesn’t seem ideal… But you could save money on bitter blockers by putting a “this side up” sticker on the packaging :wink:


Yeah, that would be my expectation.

And the reasoning behind

cyclopath always two steps ahead of everyone else :sunglasses:
i love it

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