Distillate and everclear to spray gummies

You can buy wholesale/bulk just depends on volume, find someone or call candy stores might even Be able to get flavors separate or offer a fruit punch gummie with them all mixed if you dont wanna separate by flavor


Sounds good my friend has been spraying but wont give up how he does it I will say they taste strong so I was trying to find a better tasting formula which melting down and adding doeant around bad as simple as it is dont know why I didnt think knot it now I just would have to figure out my doses

Thank you

Maybe i was over thinking this I’m going to try a few different ways first spray then melting gummies and adding disty hoping that might give it a better taste but pack a punch

If you’re looking for gelatin I’d order the gummies off webstaurantstore they’re Albanese brand free shipping and it’s fast. The problem with gelatin in the summer months is that it melts at 95 degrees

If you want pectin based id try sincerelynuts


Any specific pectin? Citrus? or Apple? or???