Disabled Anonymous accounts feature

Here at future4200 your privacy is important, and you are encouraged to visit this site as publicly or anonymously as you’d like. There is no intention to ever sell user data, or even integrate ad services that could be used to track you.
The anonymous feature has had a few unintended consequences including the ability to double vote, removing posts when the feature is toggled, and a much easier avenue for derailments. To others it gave the implication it has somehow made you anonymous to us, the site admins/owners/hosts.
It does not. You have to do that yourself (tor / vpn / cafe)

Users are welcome to make a new account as they see fit. Often new users are discouraged by the rate limit spam filter and create a second account for more likes. Users quickly figure out having one lvl3 is better than 3 lvl1s. In general if we find you are using multiple accounts for nefarious reasons like generating interest your own sales threads, don’t be mad when it gets the boot.


What happens to the old posts that were already submitted under anonymous?


Hmm. I still have them in backups. Was not expecting them to go away and thanks for pointing that out.


Good riddance!


Good bye bye to loser abusers.


`Awesome choice! There’s no reason to hide, and nothing should need to be said incognito. If it needs to be that way send a DM? It’s not hard, but like most things becomes convoluted!
Edit: I thought that ’ right before the A was a speck on my screen! Tripped me out when it started moving as I scrolled down! Ha Duh


So glad you addressed the multiple account issue. I was gonna make a thread last week believe it or not, with the topic "Does anyone else feel like anon mode is causing issues? "

Very happy you’re taking action to make sure the site stays fresh within the conversations and not full of spam and advertisements, Thank You.


What about user name changes? I changed my name (well it’s my usual screen name spelled backwards). I know of about 6 user name changes and I havent a clue who they are.

I did get about 8 dm’s about my screen name change.

Never mind. I have 4 days to catch up on.

Can I change it back to the normal way to read it?


request in proper thread or over DM like asked, thanks.


I didnt get that far. I think I just asked in the thread.

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