I am so very excited and proud to announce we have partnered with twisted tree nursery to sell a special collaboration blend of their Dino Soil.
This is hands down the best substrate for growing mushrooms,
side by side comparison to other substrates on the market has shown an increase in yields and flushes per run.
The DinoSoil Difference
DinoSoil follows an age old coco coir / vermiculite / gypsum recipe twisted with the benefit of local organic earth worm castings and sulcata tortoise dung, creating a reliable and unique mushroom growing medium suited for a wide range of species.
We take pride in our customer service and offer very quick and affordable shipping speeds and rates. Don’t wait weeks for substrate!
ill start by saying its not my grow but i do know who owns this, and its done by cloning clusters, keeping the enivorment uniform between all grows, and having the right substrate blend(only uses dino soil),
this is a result of many rounds of cloning and selective genetics manipulation with the perfect bulk substrate blend.
there is no restrictions on shipping this soil anywhere in the states, as per the manufacturer of this substrate blend. as per the regulations, that I’m unsure of.
It will be up to where they choose to grow and who allows dung and who doesn’t
As for samples, so far theyve have thrown in an extra bag to anyone who is buying a bag to sample. but that’s also something i cant promise