I’m buying filter paper for the first time as I’m getting prepared to start CRC’ing. What’s the difference between the two papers?
It appears that the Qualitative paper is what we are after, for most applications.
Qualitative = quality = generally higher quality product, slower flow, higher retention
Quantitative = quantity = quicker flow, lower retention
God damn. Thank you, so simple
This link is a guide to the various grades of Whatman qualitative filter paper
This site beats out amazon by alot.
Quantitative filter paper is made so it burns ashless. This is so you can burn the filter paper in thermogravimetric analysis and know exactly how much weight was on it
Oof sorry for the misinfo might have been recalling on old notes
I think you were relating it back to data sets. Quantitative data is numeric data That’s usually calculated from qualitative data, which is more of the “why”. I used to work as a market research contractor helping to convert qualitative data into quantitative summaries.
Big companies like Proctor & Gamble, Johnson and Johnson, Ford, etc. don’t care to hear the personalized back story behind why (qualitative) you don’t like a particular item. They just want to know how many (quantitative) people said they did or did not like the same thing about a product.
That’s a really generalized way to sum it up, and has zero relevance to filter paper, but I spent all this time typing so I’m going to post it anyways.