Desparately looking for work: OKLAHOMA

Whatsup everyone! I’m am desperately looking for extraction work… So I was the lead extractor for steelhouse organics for the last 3 years and I got my wife a job there this year defoliating plants. Well I had her and one of the partners go behind my back and all of a sudden my wife left me due to help from my business partner(still unsure of the complete situation). I gave them an ultimatum of either him and my wife goes or I go… With how wrong I was done after going above and beyond for that company for 3 years without a hickup their response was well he’s a partner and technically your wife did nothing to be fired for. So I had to do what was best for my mental health and leave the situation, I tried everything in my power to convince my wife to stay and still am unsure what I did to ruin our relationship but that’s a completely different issue… :man_shrugging::man_facepalming: anyways I am in a downward financial spiral while also trying to keep mentally sane from what happened(doing manual labor to keep my bills and house payment paid). If anyone has any sort of processing or extraction work in/near Norman/Moore/OKC/Edmond/Yukon/mustang(within 30 minutes from OKC) please let me know. I want to continue doing what I love and am passionate about(butane extraction) so pleaaaase someone! ! I currently still have my own lab at trifecta but I only run enough concentrates to keep their shelves filled for their dispensaries(maybe work one to two days a month for them). I also have plenty of references to vouge for my work and my drive to create amazing concentrates​:+1:


Jesus. What a terrible situation. What a grimey way to leave someone…

Hope you push through it, leaving was your best option though. Trim the fat and move on. She isn’t worth the heartache king.


Thank you for the kind words :pray::raised_hands: if any of you guys have any leads just lmk, even if it’s not full-time processing, at this point I’ll do about anything to keep the bills paid.


Women can be trifling.

Here’s a word of advice, never shit where you eat, leave all romantic engagements outside of lab and facility/business, it’s only going to complicate things.

Best of luck.


Yeah lesson was learned :sweat:


impressive work and I feel for your situation. this industry provides some killer highs but can take you just as low. looks like you have a lot of experience with BHO! unfortunately, our BHO extractor is currently an expensive dust collector at the moment, but we go through about 1k lb/wk of biomass via EtOH extraction to distillate here in south OKC and are expanding from distillate to wholesale here over the next 3-4 months. If you’d like, I’d be happy to connect you with the owner of the facility here. I just work part time running their HPLC and record maintenance, but the team here is great and we run from 8a to 1a daily so there is flexibility in the extraction shifts. Send a DM if interested and we’ll see what comes from it! Keep your head up in the meantime!


Dm’img you now!

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Good luck bro

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Damn dude that sucks! I wish you all the best looking for other work and in the divorce.

A lot of jobs have a “morality clause”: I was fired from a job for sleeping with a married coworker when I was in my mid 20’s. Your actions as an employee reflect on the company, so if you do something illegal or that they don’t agree with you could be gone. That being said every employer and every state is different & I know here in AZ that employees & employers can sever relationships for pretty much any legal reason. It’s called “at-will employment”. Obviously they can’t violate EEO laws, but most anything else goes. If you had been fired you could sue for wrongful termination, but seeing as you quit I’m not too sure you have that kind of recourse but I’m not an expert. Alienation of Affection and Adultery are possible litigious recourses, and seeing as you lost income due to your wife cheating and the mental stress it put you under you might have a decent case if you can gather evidence of the affair.


Yeah I’m over the whole situation and just trying to move forward at this point


Good luck brother - This market is an entire pain in the ass. With all the new shutdowns there are a ton of extractors looking for work these days. That said, you are asking in the right place

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If you don’t mind me asking what lab do you work for? Also what testing facility do you use for your distillate? Are you noticing +90% material?

And I’m still searching! :sob:
I did go to a meeting the other day but it was just for distillation and the pay didn’t quite add up to what it would take for me to survive in today’s times. Looks like my work at my own lab(sunshine unlimited) is about to start picking back up luckily but if anyone hears of anything please still reach out and let me know :heart: :heart:

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browse your area on this job list to check the employment market. :chart_with_upwards_trend:


Go to New Mexico. Your skills are needed way more than in OK and I’m sure you’ll make good money

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Got any leads in new mexico lol, I have 6 dogs and own my property here so unless I meet someone really interested in getting something going there I just have so much i would have to do to relocate. But I can always fly out for a week or two at a time :man_shrugging: interested in other opportunities then just in Oklahoma :ok_hand::+1:

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Maybe buy cows pigs and chickens. This forum has a lot of good ideas on ways to make a different living. If you own you property and have 6 dogs then I don’t think weed or hash is going to make your living.


I’m with @Onceovertwice. I would look into non cannabis work. I think In the long run it will treat you much better


I mean I’ve been making a pretty good living with weed/hash IE me owning my own property in Oklahoma and Colorado :man_shrugging: just at a stand still for the time being. If the exwife didn’t make my steelhouse environment horrible then I’d have been making the most money I’d have made… Not ready to throw in the towel yet though just on the the next venture :grin: luckily my current lab is picking up again though. I got my property here for an insane deal so worse comes to worse I sell make a shitload of profit and move back to Colorado and figure shit out there where it’s pretty atleast


Lots of great jobs in cannabis.

Focus on being someone with more skills than making dabs or growing flower.

Management and compliance go a long way.

Don’t forget about retail. Managers with 1 year experience make nice salaries.