Delta 8 legality in non medical/rec states

I think the idea is because the analog act is part of the CSA and now hemp derived isomers aren’t under the CSA due to the wording of the farm bill the analog act doesn’t apply.

Here’s a legal opinion from the lawyer Rod Knight


Get the dea to send you the same letter, and I would be much more impressed. The footnotes are cut off. Can you see what he is citing in footnotes 6 and 7? If the new federal rules contain specific exemptions to the analogue act, then I am on board. But if not, then it seems like he is just guessing as to how courts would rule.


This letter wasn’t sent to me, just something I found in IG.

I’m not sure what was cited in footnotes 6 or 7 since I don’t have the full document and only what canna-aid posted on IG.

But yes I agree getting something like this from the dea would make me feel much better too.

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Hemp groups on FB and Reddit subs are blowing up. The horse is well and truly out of the barn at this point.


out of the barn yes, the question is, can it be barred from the track for doping :wink:


Very true. I think I was surprised to see the speed with which it all of a sudden took off.


Hey kratom is legal in most of the US some states banned it . It has potent narcotic effects its a all natural opiate in the coffee family . Its impossible to OD and die from usually unless mixed with other substances. You can get way higher from kratom than delta 8 . I think some states may ban or make illegal cause they want the extra $$$ or whatever but its impossible to overdose from yeah you get high but if you take too much delta 8 you will just get sick and not have a good time . Shit look at how fucked up you can get on ethanol and how regularly it kills people. Who knows maybe the medical benefits makes the states and feds want to keep it illegal

I feel like people give government employees too much credit when banning/allowing niche drugs and the like. Most people who have the ability to ban kratom don’t know it exists. And that’s doubly true for Delta 8. As soon as they find out that Delta 8 exists, then they’ll learn about THC isomers, and will ban all of those.


What are your guys thoughts on this?

They’re claiming the listed states have laws that make d8 illegal.

There’s links to the state laws further down on the page.

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Plot twist: The CBD people consume turns to delta 8 in the stomach after conversion with stomach acid. It was delta 8 all along


thats primarily based on 3 chis website. Really comes back to your lawyer own lawyer. Some will say these independent states have language that says d8 is illegal other lawyers will say no its legal throughout all 50.


This is my first post here, I am overwhelmed with all of the beneficial info I see on here. As you guys have seen reddit and a few other places are blowing up about D8, some of the new vendors are attempting to make a state by state guide for what it can and cannot be shipped to. Great community here from all that I have read so far.


There’s a study disproving this theory


good thing I’m not a doctor

stomach acid has HCl in it though yea? myth confirmed


Guess I could always just ask my state about sales.

permission vs forgiveness?

you got bail?


I got bail but would rather just ask the devil permission. I shot Texas DSHS Hemp Program a request for clarification and transparency.

I get the green light I need a quote for 5-10 kilos and a qma / cart farm cart consult lol.


The problem is that the dept of ag can’t order the police to not arrest you. Even if you got a letter from the state police promising not to bust you, they don’t have any say in what the federal authorities decide to do.

I think d8 will turn into the next cbd. The government will sit by and watch, so everyone thinks it is legal. Then they wait to see who makes the most money, so they can just step in and take the money. Small players will probably be ok for a while, but there is never any guarantee.


I agree there is always a level of risk / reward until we see radical changes across country and state by state. It always looks good if you asked before arrested. Pretty sure an attorney would eat it up if you were wronged and played by the rules these days. Police being the bigger target in 2020 and rightfully so. Society is going through a moment of change right now. It’s fascinating to see more accountability.