Delta 8/intoxicating hemp regulatory and enforcement actions/news

Plus the savings on rent and food* once the Feds are paying for it…

*Excludes commissary

Anyone know if this was THCa? I saw someone from some law enforcement agency saying there were a few cases overturned in TN because of post-decarb testing but I haven’t seen any specific examples yet

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110% it was THCA, they’re valuing it at over $3k per lb


The bill just needs to rec9gnize d9 as hemp and let people cultivate according to destination. Crystal resistant chemovars are what makes good quality hemp because its oily and preserves the fibers . When cannabinoids are mixed ie cbd cbg ths they are lest prone to chalking and becoming brittle like the cannabinoid specific hemp varietals. End the regulation and let the markets do whats needed. Tired of chasing loopholes and research chemical dooky soup synth noid bs . The tech is rad but it has a toll on the environment and my patience . Im moving on to what i want to pursue vs what the loophole industry demands. Certification, permits , licenses are in place . Things are poppin just depends on how you see the light.


Looks like it was a probable cause issue, seizing product outside the scope of the warrant

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Rumors of a lawsuit in the works. Apparently some HHC has been coming out contaminated.

I’ve heard the same re: class actions for a few months now - are they just regarding contaminated product?

Looks like they were already party to one, voluntarily dismissed in August though


Keep the forum updated as you do

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fuckin A: quick summary of above article, weed still legal in TN at least until feb 16. Merry Christmas.


sky marketing brief on merits in their case against the TX gov

Dude that was a rico case?!


I would not doubt the same situation is going to happen with 7oh tablets being sold with 25% unknowns on this forum

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All of it is contaminated. These lazy asses can’t even bother to clean up particulate matter in their product. They laugh at the idea of prep HPLC. It’s isomer soup in nearly every batch, and the manufacturers dgaf because it sells anyway. I like free markets but this is where regulation/enforcement is needed.


We as a community on this forum can regulate/enforce it here. Kind of weird we need to send @future money and samples to become a verified hemp slanger (im not saying thats a bad thing, i like that he does that) but then once u have that badge your free game to slang non hemp contaminated products. same goes for kratom. All kratom slangers should be verified and approved to sell here


16.pdf (511.1 KB)
16-1.pdf (24.3 MB)
17.pdf (194.6 KB)

motions to dismiss/index for the Allen TX THCa raid lawsuit, 4:24-cv-00944 Eastern District of TX

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