Delta 8 custom formulation - finished delta 8 products - licensed manufacturer

Why would they give YOU their order number? This is avout one of those times where you call in an uninvolved 3rd party (obviously not future or sidco) to mediate. Otherwise you will lose because they are the customer and you are the supplier.

Do you remember dab daze ‘18 steeve? I do, so I deffo wont be an uninvolved 3rd party hahahaha


Gc/Ms for starts


I have the emails. Honestly man I’m pretty busy and don’t have time for beef, I told you back then it wasn’t worth it to try to burn me, telling you again now it wasn’t worth it. People who are innocent don’t get so agro.



What you too busy doing? Except hanging out on forums?

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Youre being a fucking hell of a salesman rn


I’m defending myself and will continue to prove this guy is talking shit for no reason. He is trying to discredit me for no reason. Would you sit back and let that happen to you???

I wouldn’t say this for no reason. I do not have any reason to. Have a good day bro


I think it’s only fair to post some sort of proof


High Ethics?


Yes, I went to school to study ethics. Would you care for a lecture? We can start by going over my 5 principles, and 5 commandments I live by.

What you think my comment was more insulting than him discrediting my company I’ve build for 4 years? lol.

My ethics teacher would tell me that you must stand up for yourself to be an ethical person.

Honestly I’m not down this dudes probably just going to dox me if I do. Could dig to find the emails but yeah it was 3 years ago. Fun situation, not worth reliving. @Stevesgoodsonline keep doing your thing homie looks like it’s going great

I learned something new. Thank you. I’ll see if ACS offers it. It not do you have a referral?

I think I’m all set. Wishing you luck with your business.

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Thank you!

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As an unbiased outside perspective, you look like a terrible company to work with if people had an unpleasant experience and now you wanna personally attack them when they leave a review of their experience. Maybe invest more into customer service skills and less into that clean room. but i dunno :man_shrugging:


Yeah going to every single one of my posts and flaming them after the fact is an interesting strategy as well. :man_facepalming:


Bro your posts are backlink gold mines, and it is funny how I could heelp you so much if you would be willing to work with me. Steve, not somee punk ass sales agent I fired 3 years ago.

I genuinely think he will hinder his own sales. People aren’t blind and anybody that would want to work with someone who treats a customer like that is usually up to no good anyways.


Treat them how? He didn’t show any proof?

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