DavidB GoFundMe for funeral costs and scholarship

No sir.

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So sad to hear when a fellow member has fallen.

Only had interaction with him a few times but seemed like a cool dude.

Gone too soonā€¦.


Thx finally a face to fit the voice

Weirdest grief I have ever had fu?:confused: ing surreal
To to all you mofo s be safe and stay alive
And let s make sure one day we meet


Is it just me or does is seem like thereā€™s to many of these in this business ? Sounds like this guy new what he was doing and still got fucked. Any one know what the cause was ? ā€¦ there must be a safer way of doing things

Wow. Thatā€™s not cool. Maybe harsh but this makes me thankful to have never been in a lab setting together.

Even though we donā€™t know what happened here.

People need to stop smoking in lab.


In one of the vids they claim it was a legal business but they did not have permits/license to process hemp so makes me wonder if the place was safe to begin with. I highly doubt whatever happened was David Bā€™s fault.


I heard the news yesterday. When I saw the video I hoped and prayed everyone made it out I didnā€™t know David was there.

I remember he came to one of my parties a few years ago and let me try some of this THC O acetate that knocked me tf out when I woke up all my guests were gone.

Always dope conversations at the glg events and I always admired his passion for what he did. He went out doing what he loved.

With a heavy heart and ready eyes Iā€™m gonna spark a fatty or two in his honor. Fuck Iā€™m SO SAD.


This is why you design your facility and your SOPs for the 10,000th repetition and not 1 or 2.

Your facility and your SOP must be foolproof because the world is full of fools.


A true friend, we are all shaken by this. I was just with him in that lab last week.


Do you have an idea what he was working on?

Was this a result of hydrogenation?


I didnā€™t know him, but it did make me take a look at a few things in the lab that we can improve on. If everyone takes a minute to help solve the next tragedy, it will be helpful as anything to his legacy.

My hobby is more dangerous than work, so I try to be and typically am pretty safe here. Sounds like he was a good dude and extremely intelligent. Rest in Peace and a special nod for making me safer at work.


Crying through LAX. def changed the vibe on this trip. Fuck Rest In Peace David.


Canā€™t say I knew him, just sad as fuck and I know some of you are definitely hurt by this. Rowan, my heart goes out to you sir, Iā€™m very sorry. I donā€™t normally tear up, but this made me.

Rest in Peace, among all the other legends taken too soon. :cry:


Yes, I canā€™t speak on it.


From a legal stand point, is there anything that needs cleaned up or moved out of this thread? I assume he had family and someone elseā€™s family is on the hook for whatever happened here. Not trying to be Debbie Downer, but just trying to not add to the misery that is already going.


Thank God you were there last week and not this week when it happened. I would def be a little concerned about any labs I set foot in going forward if I was you. Life is precious.
I am looking at gas detectors right now. Looks like $500 will get me a nice one.


Oh geeze! Heā€™s so young. This is heartbreaking


My deepest sincere condolences go out to all of you who knew him. Iā€™ve had this weighing on my mind and itā€™s definitely been hard to keep seeing how many people knew him and are suffering.

I see how mucbthis has affected the forum and that speaks volumes , what a tragic loss has been expericed by the community big hugs and weā€™ll wishes go out to all of you.


The news says a legal hemp lab but illegal equipment inside which could just be new equipment that wasnā€™t on the original plans. Does anyone know if this was really hydrogenation? Iā€™m guessing HHC conversion?