Dabtabs? Anybody use em?

I would try them if they came up here to Alaska, but unless the price was reasonable I doubt they would be a regular thing for me, I don’t mind stickiness nor irregularity of my dabs.

Might be a good solution to how many borosilicate and glass jars we have to sell and how many we accumulate as dabbers if you can sell these without glass, these DIY solutions seem like they would work fine once dialed in as well, at least for personal scale.

Well brother, we have to focus on certain thing to become the master, will definitely contact you once we made those



I just wanted to remind you guys how awesome florida is.


Have you tried these?

Im going to order some ceranic discs and try to figure tgis out.
I read somewhere that these are filled by putting the concentrate and them in the oven letting it melt and pulling vac.
Cant find where i saw that


I have tried these and they are ultra disappointing.


How so?

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Ceramic disks are best for reducing spitting and spreading out oil in a handheld rig

Barely any smoke at all, with or without carb cap. Totally unsatisfactory in my opinion.

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I recently saw this at a dispo. Very interesting idea.

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I tried a ceramic disc in the shape of a gear in an attempt to replace my beloved pukinbeagle terp top I can’t seem to find a available anywhere anymore. It doesn’t spin. It was great for your suggested uses cept for it chipped and has started to break after only a couple uses… def gonna look for a better quality one cus the anti spitting, and heat capacity was nice…


Sorry for resurrecting an old thread but I have my own brand of these we make using ceramic water filter beads is essentially all it is. The oil has to be heated like making cartridges to properly absorb them we clean the beads off after they cool , the remaining oil inside the beads is too thick to come out unless heated. Be careful though and use only alumina ceramic or clay beads. The measurements easy we heat up for example 1g 80% melt til viscous, place ceramic bead. Bead absorbs .1 so approx 80mg

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Couldn’t somebody make a giant version of these, put a heating element in it and make a cart? Instead of a tiny coil and a tank, just have the big coil with a case?

You’d never have to worry about clogs right?

Or am I just stupid?


Ever use a Healthstone?
They’re great if you want to be put on your ass :joy_cat:

Edit: a different company makes ceramic enails I’ve used them they have great taste but you just have to worry about them cracking


Oh yeah, I used em a few times. They definitely work.

I’m just thinking of carts though, I have yet to find a cart I can just hit with no worries. Half the time they clog, the other half they’re burnt at the end.

Something like I mentioned would be great, in theory anyway. No cotton to burn, no worries giving the coil time to soak up more goods etc. Your coil would already have the full amount pre-soaked into it, and towards the end, you’d just get a dry hit.

To me, that’d be the ultimate cart.

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No it wouldnt be the ultimate cart. How you get airflow? It would also take a massive amount of energy to heat the extra mass of the ceramic sponge.

It would a good traveling waxpen accessory, since most waxpens are both powerful and equipped with a bubbler.


Healthstone is good for dmt lol


See, this is why I asked if I was stupid lol.

I don’t think of all of that, but in my perfect world I’d have something similar.

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So kinda likes a healthstone shaped to fit something specific?

Wouldn’t that basically vape cart on a higher wattage battery?

I am not saying you’re wrong, just trying to think about this. It could be neat.

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Its basically a healthstone in a crucible. Carts are a heater in a tank.

Waxpens force airflow around the frit just like a rig would. They arent perfect, but are better than cooking an expensive coil when driving or kiki g