Well i can tell you from experience not to microwave solvents, even if it is tempting to heat a wash bottle in there. I somehow got away with this for years (dumb ass). One day I nuked about 200ml of acetone in a plastic washbottle, the door was blown off the microwave and hit me standing 4-5 feet away, and the body of the microwave was streched in a manner that looked like some one put a bottle jack in there and spread it wide. I was not injured, but it scared the shit out of me. the acetone did not ignite and
I was lucky, there was no fireball. The wash bottle was microwaved without the lid and the side of the bottle was bubbled out and ruptured, there was no sign of damage to the top of the bottle. From what i have gathered the cause of the explosion was super heated acetone, that rapidly expanded into a gas, the expansion was so violent that it blew the microwave up harder than i have seen an m-80 do. watch out for super heating of liquids, that shit can be scary.