D8 D10 and 99.9% CBN Kilos. Wondering what going rates are currently and if there’s an interest in any of those? Thoughts ?

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You stated Delta 8 and Delta 10 were “grey area” and that it was not scheduled, I replied to your comment not his.


"These constitutional isomers of delta-9-THC were never subject to a critical review and are still in schedule I of the 1971 Convention. "

Also " (±)-Δ10-THC is in Schedule I of the 1971 Convention. "

Regarding his post while i do agree the text in that bill is completely in favor of what he says at the end of the day D8 and D10 are schedule 1; CBD is not. There is no precedent set for someone getting caught with CBD isomerized to D8 so for an attorney to give the green light is wrong to me. I think the possibility that you could be the precedent and it could NOT go favorably needs to be acknowledged by your legal reference.