Looking for anyone interested in making federally compliant d8 vapes. Can white label or provide ND crude (in the process of getting COA’s for end product).
I think you’re gonna need to show some reputable COAs before anyone trusts you’ve got ND ready to go.
Can I get a sample
It’s been posted before, but can post again. I work for the company producing it. Would be happy to answer any questions (that I can) just DM me. Made to order, so there would be some lead time. We use what has already been produced, but have significant spare capacity.
What’s the rest of it ?
This shows ND d9. This has not been distilled yet and we will have updated COA’s after it’s been remediated. This is simply to show relative potency.
Mmmmmmmmmm does 20% mystery oil get y’all excited or is it just me?
What would you sell the “crude” ND for?
That’s 20% more infinite possibilities!
Do you have a COA for the actual product after it’s been redistilled? Not much point in showing something different than what you’re looking to sell.
Are you the same guy who was running Hempire Direct?
So, you’ll distill it, remediate it even more, then redistill?
Seen too many people showing COAs of crude but after it’s distilled…
No more ND D9.
Just wondering if, and how, you are separating any that pops after distillation.
Ether/Pet Ether?
Maybe a bit preemptive to post, just trying to get an idea of market interest.
Not the analyst here just the sales guy. Our team has successfully removed all the D9 from finished distillate. Though I’m not at liberty to discuss those methods even if I were capable of doing so, but I know distillation and chromatography are involved. My understanding of the process is on a basic level as I am not a chemist. We have in house analytics so for R&D purposes we don’t necessarily 3rd party test every step. For sales purposes we will have 3rd party COA’s for finished product.
So your goal here, is to sell “ND D9” D8, using a crude COA, that’s unscannable and has the client info redacted? And isn’t representative of the end product?
I get what you’re saying. Edited OP to say “crude” rather distillate. My fault there. Really just trying to gauge the market a little bit. Working as fast as we can to get end product COA’s and will post them here when we do. Felt it went without saying that anyone who actually placed an order for crude or other downstream products would have full transparency. Just thought someone smarter than myself might have use for this as is. Input aimed at progression is obviously welcome, but if you’re here to tear this apart then:
See this OP of COA’s for more details where @TheGratefulPhil already shed some light on the process in a manner more in-depth than I (a simple slanger) could:
@TheGratefulPhil thanks for the endorsement
Well I believe what Phil says
And I am interested if the distilled version has nd d9,
Sounds good. Hopefully I’ll have an update for you next week, but we’re making progress either way!
@_joe I vouch, this is the same stuff from the post linked by @HempireSpecialist
@pdxcanna, the purpose of this post is to gauge interest in the crude—but I’m not a verified slanger so I didn’t post it for sale.
We will keep everyone updated on the progress as soon as we have useable data and the test results everyone wants to see.
The end product being advertised here would be from the same lot of crude, so it is indeed representative of the end product.
Edit: if anyone is interested we will also provide an in-house chromatogram of the sample being sent to you.