Current thc biomass prices in CA?(CAT 3)

Hey guys, I need to get an idea of what the current prices are for Cat 3 thc biomass is in Cali.

What’s the price per percent you guys are seeing? Not the best deal you’ve got or the worst. Just avg

Would highly appreciate it
Thank you

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7.50-8.00 per percentage point from the farms - 8.00-9.50 ppp from a broker

Help me understand your unit of measure, and thanks for the lesson.

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How does that unit work? Say it’s $8.00 ppp, 1 pound would cost how much then?

10% THC content multiply that by the ppp price. You guys aren’t in the business I assume?


Yes, I am. Have been for over a year, have 5 licenses, 3 dispensaries, 15,000 plants and a kitchen. Still not sure what your unit of measure is. Don’t be coy, do share.


There seems to be something missing from that equation.

10% THC content multiply that by the ppp price would be a pound at 10% THC * $8.00 ppp = $80 per pound?

Or is it by % THC per gram? So 1 pound (454g) * 10% THC * $8.00 ppp = $363 per pound?

Either way that is absurdly cheap compared to what it costs in my neck of the woods.

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Is that pre or post tax?

$8 per percentage point of THC in the biomass.
So yes 10% thc content × $8= $80 per lb.

Wow, that is crazy cheap.

PPP equals per percentage point.
I’m not sure if it can get any less simplified.

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If that’s the case and that’s what it brings, I’d grow potatoes.

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you do realize this is trim prices and not flower…?

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For $80 a pound, I’d give you stalks and stems and still say you ripped me off. I can’t hardly believe I’m replying to something this silly. $80 a pound…yeah right.

Trim man not flower. What are you smoking? You need to lay it down for the night.


Cat three biomass in California is at at cheapest it has ever been ! We have secured 45$ per pb prices …
we don’t buy shit anymore . It’s only tolling and splitting deals !!! The amount of nasty trim and bad farmers selling their bad shit have destroyed this industry !! I won’t pay a penny unless it came out clean from our machines


Prices are all over the place, you can get outs down to $35 a lb, Outdoor FF for 75-80 a lb, fire indoor trim can range up to 200.


35$!? No bro … 10$ a lb is where it’s at right now
Decent 8-9%


Hi folks,
Reading this topic “CAT 3 biomass” just trying to understand the conversations going back & fourth:
CAT 3 definition (Lab results of biomass material) ?
Biomass … either flower, trim, live and/or dried, indoor vs out , maybe strain specific, this year or last year(s) crop ? By default does “biomass always mean trim” ?
THC percentage is a separate test result ?
I’ve been absent for awhile…need to catch up, thankx

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