Curing Gummies

34 posts were split to a new topic: @Thumper Protegee eats a 35gram gummy with 1400mg of THC

Ever try rice flower? I tried everything and this is what I have found. I cook to the highest Brix possible in excess of 84 depending on the formulation. As soon as they come out of the molds they go into a tumbler of rice flower. Then they good into my curing room 80 degrees at 30 to 35% humidity for 48 to 72 hours depending on the formulation. During that curing time the gummies are rotated on the racks and fluffed to insure even curing. They have been coming out perfect. Rice flower put a slight coloring likes like they were lightly sanded. Sometimes I put rice flower in with sweet and sour and sugar for the powdered look and it cuts way down on moisture. I have been bagging my against the wall for 2 years to perfect it. Give the rice flower a shot! Key is, a little goes a long way, add enough just to coat your tumbler if you are making mega quantities. The excess will come off as you fluff and rotate during curing.

We are having trouble with our gummies sticking once they are packaged even after testing the water activity multiple times to make sure it is less than 0.65 (a lot of which recently have been much lower). They will be sugar coated and dried and once we get the proper water activity, we will bottle them. When we check them a few days later, the gummies sometimes have become sticky and all stick together in a pile that we can’t get out of the bottle (even with a desiccant in the bottle). Anyone have any ideas what it could be?

Sounds like you need to dry them more. Does it look like the sugar has stuck together between the gummies or? Could be a recipe problem too. Pectin or gelatin?

There are several potential solutions.
And obviously = problems.

But you used the term “sometimes”.
Can you elaborate on that. Maybe that

would help getting to the solution, quicker.

My absolute favorite texture, can’t be bagged up. They will turn into a blob. They have to be jared and the jars cant be TALL.



If that recipe WAS TO BE bagged. It be FUCKED… :100:%

But is to die for in the jars.


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was just thinking about tagging you lol. Miss you <3 we need to re-convene!

Texas Represent!

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hello i recently purchase a head shop. and have a in house kitchen license to make our own in house DELTA products. i formulated a gummie recipe and need help figuring out what im doing wrong . i cant get the gummies to stop sweating even after sitting out to air dry for 2 days.

What’s the humidity in your work space and how are holding them for this process?

Do you have a way to measure the active water content?

no i do not have a way to measure the active water content…
whats is a good one out there thats worth buying