We have this crystallization machine. It is suppose to make isolate. We do not know how to do it. We don’t have a manual. If you know anything about this please help us.`)
You didn’t wait long enough for the picture to upload.
looks like large ass extractor to me
that looks impressive. wonder who sold it to you guys. Maybe they know how to operate. That thing is over my pay grade. good luck!
Are you trying to do fractional distillation with that? Is that everything - or do you have a bunch of little collection containers that connect to it, a giant heating mantle or other heating device, and a bunch of chillers and things for each collection container?
You didn’t get anything with it? Not even a drawing? Electrical schematic? What does it look like inside the control panel?
I’m expecting some additional parts - honestly. Perhaps there are more that haven’t been shown in this one photo?
What’s inside each of the columns? do you have any plates inside those columns? Any temperature probes connected anywhere?
Getting my popcorn ready now… How did no one ask any questions when this thing was getting installed/dropped off?
People with to much money paid for it.
Looks like “bubble columns”
im sure this bitch could be retrofitted for hydrocarbons…LOL
Looks like a multiple effect evaporator.
If you want to set up a consult I’ll figure it out for ya.
That’s what it looks like from where I’m sitting too @TheGratefulPhil
@oregonfarmer where in OR are you located? I’m heading back up to Medford and then Bend in a week to finish out 2 consults.
Literally this whole year has been spent installing and training on systems that have been delivered incomplete, sans-user manual or inoperable
Yeah, I mean this is like what I’ve seen for high purity water and/or evaporation in sugar facilities.
Makes me think that someone didn’t do much research before dropping mad $$$
I’ll tell you what happened. Someone looked up “industrial crystallizer” on alibaba and bought the first result without asking any questions. That’s for crystallizing sugar lol.
I figured it was for sugar.
They could just repurpose it for evaporation honestly. As long as what’s inside the spools is what I think it is…
Yeah it could make a half decent falling film if configured right. But if they were planning to use it for crystallizing then they have an issue.
We can’t assume it’s an evaporator until we see if there’s tubes inside those columns
True, but if it doesn’t have any tubes in the column I’d be worried if it could be used at all
So the columns seem to be loaded with adsorbents or some sort of filter material. This could possibly be used to filter cbd crude >70% where it could then be crashed maybe
machine really looks incomplete & it would help to post more pics from different angles …
Sounds like there’s a couple people here who could make it make something for a price. My guess would have been “bought off eBay as-is”. As far as knowing how it was supposed to be used…
It’s just a small version of this i think.