Crc overheating

So today I was about to give some granular carbon a test run…I opened my dewax and it shot it into my DE spool to catch the fats. At the time only vapors are getting to the spool holding the carbon. As I go to touch the carbon spool idk why but I did…it burned my hand at how hot it was. I immediately turned the valve off before the liquid hit it. Proceed to isolate the vessels, burp, and detach the crc carbon spool immediately. I opened it up right away and poured out the carbon. It was cold to the touch but the spool was still hot or at least was still dissipating heat. Does anybody what caused the crc to begin overheating?


The only thing besides a chemical reaction that comes to mind would be friction.
This is weird. Where you running your usual way? After dewax?

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Dr Google says
Adsorption onto activated carbon is an exothermic process generating heat. For certain classes of chemicals including organic sulphur compounds (e.g. mercaptans), aldehydes, ketones and some organic acids this reaction is more exothermic resulting in the generation of high temperatures.


I tested this by putting a spool with carbon in it. I squirted a bit of tane in there and it immediately began to heat up…I


Ya its what @NewLevelProcess said

Could it spontaneously ignite?

You just made a giant hand warmer essentially lol


If it got to the flash point temperatures yes

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Autoignition temperature I think


Correct. Sorry im baked


I read the opaline silica msds it said as well that its know to spontaneously combust as it sits there off gassing…is this more applied to granular medias?

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That i don’t know. Id ask you that lol

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I’ve never seen this reaction with powders…even carbon powders

@Dred_pirate when you got to try the opaline did you happen to notice any heat coming off the crc or after the spent powders were dumped. Did they produce heat?

Ignition also requires O2. If it was open to atmosphere and above the auto ignition temp ~400C for butane, then yes. Below that you need to add a source of ignition to your fuel air mixture.


This is the carbon

Ok so i make nos tank filters for auto nos using these granular bead carbon filters made for ice filters for a fridge.

The first 15 balloons come out piping hot and the filter heats up also. It does stop and the nos over powers it and freezes eventually.


Note to self: don’t use the chunky carbon…


I felt like I pulled the pin out a grenade and my whole system was the grenade. Every time I touched it it was getting hotter. Thank god I noticed it right away and began to diffuse it


The opaline silica, no. But in the very very beginning I filled a small spool with chunky carbon and when I pulled vac it got extremely hot, too. I pre filled it with solvent and that actually brought it down to temp