CRC for newbs aka dummies

very well put. There’s been a lot of trial and error done by the experienced people on here. It’s not something you just want to give to anyone who comes in, you want the knowledge to be respected and appreciated and sought after rather than having to spoon feed people. The leaders on here are not shy about giving away their secrets but as you said, they want to give them to people who are willing to use the information for good and pass it along to the next generation of canna enthusiasts.


Bro you go into these 5 page rants about trolls kinda seems like you are trolling the community. If you look at your original post you ask for the process to be explained. So maybe people are misreading the question poised but definitely looks like you are looking for the process to be explained in layman terms. Don’t be salty maybe think of another way to state your simple question.


I’ve never met such a whiny pimp. This boy dam near cried a river. Help me help me , won’t compensate anybody for their knowledge or time . This ain’t reddit buddy maybe you’d be better off there.

I disagree about end users not needing to do hours of research. I recently bought a CLS, never extracted before, except one time open blasting through a plastic tube :joy: Had I of not read for hours on end on here I would most likely have blown myself up. I picked up tons of tips and help by reading posts, even those that werent directly linked to bho and a cls and tons of safety advise.


And that is fine but not everything is going to be designed for every single person/demographic. Incase you haven’t noticed this site is more catered to processors etc. I personally like that you aren’t spoon feed every answer as soon as you are on the home page. Not every single topic needs or can be a cliff note if you feel that way your always free to take your time go through the threads and make it to repost as Tek.

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I know this is old but a handout? The dude just asked a question. Isn’t that what forums are for? It’s funny the ones who charge for information are usually the cheapest greediest people I’ve met. I thought the purpose of a forum was for discussion and sharing information. I kind of get where OP is coming from

Dang. Much appreciated homie!

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Agreed… I am a Newb but willing to put in work and feed my brain every day to progress in life.

After sifting through a plethora of comments on this post, I found it helpful. While I recognize the frustration of people asking remedial questions, it seems fruitless to argue after one has been presented. I appreciate those of you who took the time to answer the original question as it proved educational.

Good day.